I Got Bills

The ads were hitting me hard this weekend (and still are!). I'm just overwhelmed with all the sales. I know what you're thinking, just stay home you say? Well, I did that. And bought all the things. It's always such a hard balance. Getting things on sale and being wise with our money. It's good to buy things that you've been wanting/needing when they're on sale. But buying more than you should isn't good either, even if it's on sale.

Does anybody remember this budget post of mine from almost four years ago? Well since that post I've fallen off the budget wagon a bit. But this Fall we've really trying to get back on it. To be disciplined -ish. We've been using the free EveryDollar app on our phones. We set our budget/the amounts we want to spend in each category and input our purchases when we make them. So far it's been fun and very helpful - my husband's into it too. We've had to make a lot of adjustments each month. For example, we drove to Illinois and back this month so we spent almost three times as much on gas as we were supposed to. So I took money from other categories to cover our overages. What got cut? Babysitter and entertainment money. And we also had a little extra in our household category this month (toilet paper, paper towels, kleenex) that I stole from as well.

I love talking about money and how much things cost and how much you spent on that and what not. But for some reason, that's kind of frowned upon. Like you're not supposed to talk about it. And I wonder why. Aren't bills and expenses like a fact of life? Doesn't everybody have to pay for car insurance and internet and cell phones? Why not talk about it? Is that rude?

As I said, went to Illinois this month - for my Uncles funeral. If you remember from this post I didn't get to go to my Grandpas funeral. So I'm really glad I was able to go to my Uncles. And just a small side note. My kids came. We drove to 6 hrs to Madison, WI on Sat, drove 4 hrs to the funeral in Illinois on Sunday morning, attended the funeral Sunday afternoon, then left at 4:30, drove 10 hours straight home, and got home at 3 am Monday morning. WITH MY KIDS! Craziness. That's over 20 hours in the van in two days. That is like FB status worthy. But who even does FB statuses anymore?

I did buy some things this weekend (and put them all into the correct budget category). An Instant Pot, $69.99 on Amazon. Some IKEA bookshelves and a dollhouse for Louisa that I've been eyeing for a couple months. Hulu for $.99 cents a month SAY WHAT?! An Amazon Fire Stick for $25 from Target for our TV downstairs... Two more pairs of my favorite pants in the entire world. (technically that didn't exactly fit into my clothes budget so I had to steal so money from another category again - sorry groceries) I'm learning that if I fall in love with something, specifically a pair of long pants, I need to buy more than one (And they're 50% off, I wear size 10 long for reference, in case you're thinking about trying the worlds most comfortable pants that aren't sweatpants). I'm on the floor a lot and those knees really wear themselves out! I have a pair of jeans with holes in the knee, that I put there! I didn't buy them like that! I just felt like you needed to know that.

Because I care what you think of me, you should also know something else. The Yellow Umbrella, my favorite store in Bemidji. The entire store was 20% off this weekend. And I went there. I even tried on a couple things. And I walked out of there with nothing. SEE! I DO have some self-control! Ugh but it was awful and I didn't feel good about it. Maybe next year I should try to buy absolutely nothing on Black Friday/Cyber Monday/weekend of never-ending sales. Wouldn't that be a challenge!?

We hosted Thanksgiving for the second year in a row. Although parts of hosting/COOKING THE TURKEY are stressful, lately I've been preferring it to travel. I'm thankful to have a home that works well for entertaining. And I love having reasons to clean. I'm so unmotivated to tidy up sometimes. But remember, I'm a people pleaser. And that is motivation enough to clean. Yay for a clean house!

Here's my people doing cute things on Thanksgiving day:
