
Happy Saturday!

Thanks to a morning coffee date with a good friend I've been out and about and home again before 11. And we even got a family work out in.

Today is budget day. We've been doing the Dave Ramsey cash budget for (wow) almost a year now. I was pretty against only using cash but we decided to go all in and try it. It was a little weird at first, but in a nerdy way, it's pretty fun. And I don't really feel like stopping.

We sat down last spring and wrote down our incomes and expenses. And then sorted out all the things we'd like to pay cash for and the things we'd like to put on our credit card. We pay cash for: groceries, restaurants, the boys clothes, babysitting, haircuts, baby supplies, and entertainment. We also started setting aside cash for car repairs, furniture, and my someday vacation fund.

If we ever don't have the cash with us, we usually put it on our credit card and when we get home take the cash from our fund and put in the bank. It was a pretty big inconvenience at first but after like nine months of doing this, we've got the hang of it. It's an attitude and way of life adjustment.

We then pay for gas and all other bills and utilities on our credit card and pay it completely off each month.

Right now we've got our budget set pretty tight so we can take all our extra income and put $650.00 each month on our car payment. At that rate it will take us another nine months to pay off our car. Once we get that thing payed off, imagine what we could do with an extra $650.00 bucks a month. I could quit my job, we could save for a vacation, put it all towards our house, start saving for Micah's Masters degree.. whatever. It's pretty exciting.

Another thing we tried this summer was going without DirecTv. We still had part of our two year contract to fulfill so we paused it for the three months and got netflix for $7.99 instead. And I did not miss it. It was actually really nice. Plus our DirecTv bill is over $100 dollars a month. That is insane. I pretty much hate them. We signed up for $25 a month, which is totally reasonable, but a year and a half later we are locked in to our two year contract for $100 a month. DirecTv I will not miss you and your deceptive advertising. We're going with Netflix and Hulu plus as replacements and saving ourselves over $80 a month.

All that being said, December was an expensive month and on top of that, I didn't work for a week. So not only did we spend more, we made less. Awesome. That's why we budget right? And in this case, end up stealing from our car payment fund. Make that 10 months till we pay that thing off.

What my boys are up to while I write this, in case you were wondering.
