She Loves You

Tuesday. Tuesday. The day all my hard work pays off. They day I have looked forward to for years. I love my children, I really do. But Tuesdays (and Thursdays) are the reward for the past seven years of stay at home mom work. The days (mornings) when all my wonderful children are in school. And I have finally made it too that promise land of being home alone. The wonder. The miracle.

I know this beautiful season will only last a short time. As I am currently a ticking time bomb. Ticking down to probably one of the hardest seasons of my life. I *think* we are preparing well. Vacations and dreams this summer. Checking off home projects left and right this fall. We've been getting ready for these babies like we're preparing for the apocalypse. For the last couple weeks I've had a goal in my mind for each week to put something away in the freezer. Make a double batch of something to put away for when I can't function. I'm getting a decent stock pile of meals, cookies, muffins, and prepped chicken for easy meals.

Also side note, I've been stocking up on home supplies like crazy. When Lincoln was born we had to stop at the store on the way home from the hospital to buy... TOLET PAPER. Not doing that with twins. Buying all the things, I'm telling you. I think I'm going to break down buy diapers this week. They're on sale at Target and I suppose I should have some, just in case. I'll need them eventually.

Today is thirty weeks. Which is always a pretty big milestone for me. One because you're pretty safe/have a really good chance of surviving if you're born at thirty weeks. You're in the last ten weeks, or in my case EIGHT weeks! No arguing about that. And for my long time readers/friends if you remember I was thirty weeks to the day pregnant with Asa when a pipe burst in the basement of our old house and ruined our bedrooms and half of our home. Not to mention basically changing our lives. Because if that horrible thing wouldn't have happened, we wouldn't have gotten a brand new basement, increasing the value of our old house, which we were able to sell to afford the one we're in now. So yeah, good times. Thirty weeks is just a fun memory ever since then. We were so so poor and it was so stressful but man God got us through and it was all a blessing in disguise.

I've been listening to mostly the Beatles and oldies this morning. Which reminds me of when Micah and I went and saw Yesterday when we were in LA this summer. It was our last night in California and we were tired of sun and waves and all that glorious stuff. We got the idea, I typed in movie showtimes while we were driving down the highway, had four or five different theater options within a few miles with different showtimes and we were sitting in a cool theater with popcorn in our laps within fifteen minutes. Big city novelties.

We have a thing for quaint movies and we loved Yesterday. I need to see it again. So many things to like about that movie. The music, the actors, the locations, it was cute and funny. What's not to love. If we could choose our race Micah and I would be Indian. Like from India, Indian. So whenever their's Indian people in movies, we always see them. Slightly odd, I know. But I'm totally supporting minority stared films whenever I can.

Something I would love to be able to do is breakdown all the expenses from our California trip. I really think we did the whole thing for under $1,000.00 but I wanna prove it. I just haven't had time yet. And really, out of all my priorities that's pretty far down there.

Baby names. Baby A is all set with a first and middle name. But baby B we can't decide. There are two names that we both really like and honestly I can't bring myself to decide. Naming two kids is complicated. We're not telling, in case you were wondering. And just to take these off your guessing list, no Elsa and Anna, Phoebe and Ursula, or Mary Kate and Ashley.

I like to write down my to-do list for the day on this whiteboard and then cross them out as I get them done. It's super helpful for me.
