Lovely Day Part One

Tuesday morning. On Tuesday mornings, my world is alright. I imagine that not even Kim Kardashian in all her splendor is as content as I, on a Tuesday. 

Unfortunately, today is not Tuesday. And with the news of our schools going to full-time distance learning my perfect little world came crashing down all around me. 

But if I were writing this on Tuesday, I would have explained to you that, up until now, I have a different combination of my children every morning of the week. Mondays at home I have Lincoln and babies, Tuesdays I have just babies, Wednesdays I have Lincoln, Louisa, and babies, Thursdays I have Lincoln and babies again, and then lastly on Fridays, I have Louisa and babies. And poor Asa, the guy that would rather stay home has gotten to go to school every day. Bless his heart. 

Buuuut all of that is about to change and I suppose I should be ok with it. However, the thought of juggling multiple zoom meetings and school schedules with Asa and Lincoln is enough to give me anxiety. There are certainly worse things. 

And speaking of worse things, that's what I wanted to talk about it. This summer was so bad. And now that we are coming out of it I feel like I am well on my way to becoming one of those oblivious grandparents who never remember anything difficult happening to them when they were raising their children. So this is me making a mental note to self - this summer was sooooo hard! I can already feel my brain cells evaporating and even now it's hard to remember in detail how bad it was. But it was bad. 

I can tell by looking through my photos when this horrible mess started. May 5th-ish was the first time that Kendall was just up. Micah was gone, of course, this would happen when only one of us was home, and she would just cry in her bed and was up till like midnight I think. Up until now, we were excelling at life. Literally thriving. We were all stuck at home, the babies were in such a good routine, we were crushing it. Twins were a lot of work, but we got this and had no problems. Look back at my photos, I was making meals, I was wearing makeup, we were building garden boxes, we were working out. All of that, done. No more.

Kendall just got progressively worse. Mostly fine during the day, up for hours and hours at night. We thought it was teething so we'd give her tylenol, etc, nothing helped. She'd be asleep in our arms and the instant we'd lay her down in bed she'd be sobbing. Sleep, sobbing, sleep, sobbing. Very frustrating to say the least. All while Lily was out like a light five feet away in her crib, sleeping through all of this (thank the Lord). I understand people have difficult babies but this was a change. Something was different. She used to be fine and now she was not. 

We were so zapped of energy we basically accomplished nothing this summer. Yes yes, our kids are still alive. But nothing else. We weeded our garden. That's about it. I remember saying how can two people without jobs be struggling this bad? (My husband is a teacher and had the summer off and I'm a graphic designer and didn't have any jobs at the moment) so we literally didn't have to go to work and were barely making it. 

The one real adventurous thing we did this summer was our houseboat trip - which we booked and paid for before this disaster struck. We left for that thing on no sleep. The babies cried in the car basically the whole way there. I almost dropped Micah and the big kids off and drove the babies and myself back home I was so exhausted. But we figured, we're already miserable, might as well be miserable on a houseboat. It's so sad it's funny. Now.

Here we are happy as can be on our trip. Just kidding we did have a great time but it was hard too. I always feel like there's a fine line between being open and real on social media but also wanting to be a positive person and not complaining all the time. Sometimes that's a hard balance. 

My husband sometimes complains, I mean, comments that my blogs are long. So I'm breaking this up. Dropping part two tomorrow like I'm an influencer or something. ✌
