Baby Life

Y'all we're making it again. We're making it through another rough patch - thank the Lord! Babies are napping well again (for the last two days anyways). Every time we have to tweak their schedule it is a struggle but soooo worth the terrible terrible struggle lol. 

We're very close to the ideal four-hour schedule. I am so excited about it. If you're not a baby schedule person that is totally ok. I don't know how you function - but you do you! ; ) For real, we're not dealing with right and wrong here. This is just the way I do it. Which I mean, of course, is the best way. Ok, I can't say that. I can say that it's the best way for us. And the best way for you may be different. Annnnyways, our schedule looks like this:

7:30 nurse/wake up
8:30 baby cereal
9:30 nap
11:30 nurse/wake up
1:30 nap
3:00 (3:30 would be the better): nurse/wake up
5:00 cat nap
5:30 nurse/ wake up
7:30 nurse/bedtime

Last week this whole thing was a hot mess. They'd sleep for 45 minutes then fuss the rest of the way through their naps. Or one baby would just be wailing in there and I'd have to just pull them out and stick them in the swing aka time out chair for taking such a horrible nap. 

Again, last week was just bad. Bad naps, crabby, crabby, in a bad place momma. Their afternoon naps were soooo horrible. We would put them down and be like... well are you girls ready to scream? Ok, not really scream but, you know. Such a battle. 

So now we're really (I'm really) trying to get their evenings worked out better. We've been struggling because the time between nursings is getting so small. Sometimes the second baby doesn't get fed till closer to six and a hour and a half isn't enough time for me to turn around and have enough milk to nurse them again. BUT I'm thinking I can solve this problem when they start eating baby food better. And we're so close. That way I could drop down to four nursing feedings a day and give them baby food when they wake up at 5:30. That way I can be ready and full to feed them at 7:30 for bed. Fingers crossed.

Our next thing would be to drop that cat nap altogether. And I'm not sure when they're supposed to be ready to do that. But each of them has fussed right through that catnap several times now, and have not actually slept so technically they can do it. Apparently. 

Liliana is such a tummy sleeper now that she can rollover. Is that ok? I've also found that it's been much easier to do basically everything with them one at a time instead of both at the same time. Like eating for example. I only have one Bumbo chair to get out/put away, one bib to get out/clean/put away, one spoon, one bowl, etc you get it. And really all those little timesavers make a difference! Now sometimes having two of things are nice but really it's way less of a necessity than I thought before having twins. 

Now, nobody should be reading this and feeling bad about themselves if you're also dealing with a baby. Babies are not an exact science and we have had so many ups and downs but we keep fighting! It is so worth it. 

I've said it with my other babies and I'll say it again: "My self worth is not determined by how well my baby sleeps". 

But gosh it helps my sanity. 
