Looks Like We Made It

Looks like we made it. - Barry Manilow voice. You know that song right? If you don't, google it, here I'll do it for you. Listen to the chorus. And read it in that voice. There ya go. That's where we're at right now. Fifty percent of twins are born before thirty-six weeks. But I knew that wouldn't happen to me. My people are never early. Twelve more days left. Having an end date is awesome. Yeah, I was kinda hoping they'd tell me we could just take them out at my last appointment, buuuut let's not get greedy. I am so thankful to be so close!

They were both measuring over six pounds. Now, they say those ultrasound weight/measurements are terribly inaccurate. But having six pound babies would be amazing.

In twelve days or less I will be holding TWO babies! Honestly, I am so excited I can barely stand it. Hoping all my single Babywise knowledge will translate with two and we will be able to survive somehow. With Asa and Louisa, Micah was allowed three days of paternity leave. So they were both born on a Wednesday, he took Wed, Thur, Fri off and he was back to work and I was on my own on Monday. THANKFULLY this year they changed their work policy and he gets two full weeks off. What a dream! 

Also with Asa and Louisa, they were both five days late and I can't remember having a single contraction before I was induced with them. But I have been having sooo many contractions with these babies, I am sick of it. My tummy has had enough. 

Hoping off baby talk for a minute. For the first time we are taking advantage of picture retake day. I'm really not too picky. But this years were bad. First off, little Asa looks cute as ever, I'm happy with that. But then at second glance I realized, wait a minute where's the other side of his face? Where's his eye? You can barely see it. I don't know why it's so dark. I've seen other kids pictures and their faces are nice and bright. Retakes for this guy. 

Lincoln. These pictures smacked me in the face. I love how he is his own person and has such an opinion on his hair. He's been so adamant on having "long hair" for the past couple years. But seeing that picture was a wake up call. He looks like Mowgli from the Jungle Book. Now I love the Jungle Book. But let's remember Mowgli had no parents and was being raised by wolves. Goodness. Do I want my child looking like he has no parents and is being raised by wolves? Goodness no. So I'm sorry Lincoln, but I have to be the parent. We marched into Great Clips and got that hair cut. Retakes for this guy too. 

And speaking of Mowgli, I'm dying to binge watch Disney movies on Disney plus. Micah come home and set it up for us please. Oh and there's groceries in the trunk of the van too. If you could bring those in that'd be great. 

If you're wondering why I'm blogging more, well, twice in a month, it's because I'm doing a lot less. I'm thankful that work has been really slow. I just have a couple design clients that send me work when they need something done and I'm not complaining one bit about this slow pace. The person that does keep me going is that Louisa. Man, she get's me out of the house. She loves her preschool and her "Y school" with a passion. I was definitely in the mood to stay home and do nothing today but that little three year old and her plans got me sitting here like this.

I know there'll be so many times this winter where I'll want to get out and won't be able to so I'm doing it while I can. Thanks big girl.

Oh and if anyone was wondering about that cat photo comment on my last post, look below at what I'm seeing on my desktop. As long as 'erbody just reads this on their phones I don't think it should be a problem so don't judge me. I've got more important things to worry about. 
