Coming Clean

Isn't it funny how certain times and feelings can bring back songs from your past?

Let's go back. Back to the beginning. Back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned.

That's where I'm at. 2003 Hilary Duff.

Where do you pick up something that you left so long ago? I guess you just start. Start. Try. Maybe fail. That's where I'm at.

I'm smack dab in the middle of a wonderful summer. I have so crazy much to be thankful for. Let's start with the first and foremost. I AM NOT SICK. So unbelievable. Also, I'm pregnant. So crazy thankful. I wish I would have had enough energy to write durning the first months of being pregnant. It was so hard. I was so helpless. And now looking back it's such a distant memory. Like, did that really happen? I know us moms complain a lot about being forgetful but really maybe our memory loss is a blessing in disguise.

Ya know how we're supposed to be all present with our kids and our lives. Not on our phones, etc. Sometimes I feel like this extends to taking photos and videos. Like just enjoy the moment, you don't always have to record everything. Try watching your kid jump into the lake with your own eyes instead of from behind your phone. You don't have to take a photo of every beach day, etc. So I tried that. July 4th weekend. I barely took any photos. And we did everything, it was wonderful. Fireworks, beach parties, cook outs with our families. And at the end of the week, we got home, I laid in my bed and pulled up my photos. And it sucked. I'm not that kind of person. I need my photos. So many things that I remember from my childhood and my past are from the photos. I am such a visual person. I love taking photos and I love looking through them. So July 4th was a good experiment, but lesson learned. I'm gonna keep taking photos.

I'm glad I learned that lesson before our trip. I'm really happy with how it went, the memories we made, and the photos we took. I've been wanting to go to Mt. Rushmore and the Black Hills for the past two years and we finally made it.

I don't know if you saw me bragging on Facebook about not packing any diapers. Yeah, that came back to bite me. That was the biggest downside of our trip. Louisa wet the bed/sleeping bag two nights in a row. My poor husband took care of most all of that mess.

It's funny to see how different our kids are. At home they pretty much all play with the same toys and do the mostly the same things. But getting outdoors and Lincoln is gone, down by the creek exploring and Asa immediately sets up camp in the tent, whips out his coloring book and pencils and gets right to work coloring. Louisa snuggles up to the friendliest person, usually her Uncle Josiah and is content to sit and talk. As long as she has someone's undivided attention she's good.

I like this picture because for the most part, as long as my kids are eating, sleeping, and pooping, I'm good. They for some magical reason love this broccoli chicken wild rice soup. They somehow gobble down all the vegatables and rice like it's a happy meal. Oh it makes me happy.

Happy is good. I was in a funk when I started writing today but talking about what I'm thankful for has helped. Like usual.
