A Post About Nothing

I do hard things. Most people wouldn't be able to do this. But I just did. I've worn the same sweatshirt for the past 7 days. Everyday. And I'm still not sick of it. It is so comfortable. You know how you wake up and think what do I feel like wearing today? And you kind of pick out your clothes based on your mood and feelings and what you're going to do that day. Every time this sweatshirt has been the answer. My husband threated to hide it from me. But of course, he's too nice.

Right now I'm at my favorite place sitting too close to someone and I can't focus. Can't stop eavesdropping. And I'm not even trying too. I was here first, they sat by me. Wish I had some headphones. Again, I will push through STOP LISTENING! But what exactly are they talking about? God. Exciting things. Big things. Ugh, maybe I should just get up and move. I'm too nosey. Me turning around in my chair "Excuse me? What big things is God doing in your life, exactly?" Nah I'm just kidding. I'm not going to do that. I bet my husband just had a heart attack.

I don't really have a new years resolution. Is more everything a resolution? I'm gonna do everything 2% better. I do want to read more. But I don't necessarily want to watch less TV. I love watching TV. Did I tell you I read Chip Gaines book last month? It was great. Very inspiring. But again, they don't have a TV in their house. Well, no wonder they get so much done. Of course, I want to be like them but... I just love doing nothing. I just love watching TV.

I've also never been closer to taking a break/getting off social media. Which is shocking. SHOCKING for me. I LOVE social media. It's my thing. I wish there would have been classes I could have taken in college on it. But alas, it was just being invented when I was in college. I find it fascinating and I kind of love the game. But lately, I've been more so annoyed with it. Is it adding value to my life? Is that stupid thing someone shared adding value to my life? No, the answer is no.

And even the nonstupid things. Old college friends cute kids for example. Am I better off  knowing/seeing their pictures? I'm not sure. Are you better off seeing my pictures? I'm not sure.

Usually when I feel this way I start blocking people. Also if someone is making me feel bad, either I'm feeling to judgy/critical towards a person (which is a real thing) or if their picture-perfect life is making me feel like throwing up, I snooze them. And that usually helps. But for some reason, this time is a little different. I'm really questioning what I post and why I post it. Why? Who cares? What am I trying to prove? Even when I try to be open and honest, am I doing it because I'm real? Or am I trying to be open and honest so people will think better of me? Ugh, motives are hard. Of course, I'm thinking of the Friends episode where Pheobe and Joey can't do a selfless good deed. Evey nice thing you do somehow benefits you in the end, is what they argue.

My short term social media solution is to not scroll. Scrolling is where I get lost, where time disappears. Usually, the first story on my FB is interesting, then an ad, then something stupid, then a meme, then an ad, then something from a group I don't care about. But it's the scrolling, the just one more thing mentality that really sucks me in, waists my time, and leaves me feeling like a loser. I also don't like that my kids see me on my phone so much. So, I'm trying to not sit and scroll when I have a few free minutes. If I get a notification, check it, but no scrolling. Then at the end of the day, when the kids are in bed, I can scroll through FB and Instagram, WHILE I watch TV of course. That's the goal. I know, big dreams. If I have a few free minutes, I want to reach for my book instead of my phone. I'm currently reading Just Mercy and it's blowing my mind. 

With the sweatshirt thing, I can't help but think of a big factor that helped me accomplish my feat. I don't have a baby. Nobody spit up on me. There are no grimy fingerprints on my shoulders. Man, my kids are getting so big. Lincoln is a like a real boy. Not a little kid, not a toddler, not even a preschooler. So many people that I know have been having their first babies lately. And mine is huge.

Lincoln has been so into his Dad lately. By lately, I mean like the past year or so. Up until now, I have been the most important person but now it's switched. All his favorite things are his Dads favorite things. It's adorable. And TBH I kind of enjoy the focus being off me. I should probably read a parenting book on raising boys. I'm pretty sure I have one. Again, up until now, he's just been a little kid. I didn't feel the need to read a raising boys parenting book when he was 4. Especially because I had a 2 yr old and an infant to keep alive as well.
