What's Cooking

Man, dinner comes every day. Every day. It never fails. What should I make for dinner?? I haven't started using my instapot yet. I haven't even opened the box. I'm saving it to open during Christmas. That must make me a mom, saving my own present for myself. A present that I paid for myself, that I will use to make food for everyone else. Classic.

I've got some exciting news to report. Louisa has been pacifier free for a couple months now. Woowhoo. Man, it didn't go nearly as bad as I was afraid it would. I had randomly mentioned one time that maybe we would get her Anna and Elsa dolls when she didn't use her "plugger" anymore. One time, I mentioned it. One time and not more. Then after she hadn't used her pacifier for a couple days, she remembered all on her own. So, I guess she gets a reward. I don't usually like giving my kids rewards for doing things that should be expected. But she really barely has any girl toys in the first place and goodness knows I've been wanting a reason to buy her those anyways. Way to go big girl.

Speaking of big girl. She's potty trained!! She's on like day five of wearing underwear with no accidents. And she's big enough (her words) to go on the big potty, not just the little one. Which is amazing. Both boys went on that little potty chair for way longer than they should have, we just didn't want to rock the boat. I know it doesn't sound like much, but dumping/cleaning out the little potty chair everytime they went was such a pain. Her going straight to the big potty - praise hands. And it's all her. She is so determined. Despite her daized and confused face below.

Seriously, WHO has dinner ideas? It has not gone away.

If you remember there were three things we needed to do with Louisa. Cut the pacifier, potty training, and get her out of the crib. We've got TWO of those done. And we would have her in her toddler bed IF we could find the screws to put the bed together! lol But it's not all poop and pacifiers around here. She has not been napping well. Like really fighting it. It's taking her like an hour and a half to fall asleep. I WILL NOT GIVE UP HER NAP!!!!! I can not. I will not. No. I'm hoping it's just a stage. (plllleeeease just be a stage)

Yeah but the potty training thing means another big thing. No diapers. NO diapers. I cleaned out her closet yesterday. The closet that usually holds boxes and boxes of diapers. Because I buy them from Target when they're on sale, like three or four giant boxes at a time. Now I have all that closet space. I put her dresser in there, but that is really beside the point. I have had a child in diapers for the past seven years. Seven years I've been changing at least five diapers a day. 5 diapers a day x 365 days in a year x 7 years = 12,775 diapers. And that's a conservative guess because for at least two years I had two kids in diapers. Now I'm not totally out of the woods, I'm sure Louisa will have accidents and she still wears one at night. But this is big.

I should be shouting from the rooftops, excited about this. But I have mixed feelings. (Like always, ha!) I thought we would have another one by now. I thought I would at least be pregnant by now. But apparently not. So unfortunately instead of being happy with how things are going (and really, I am), I'm a little disappointed. I feel like we have been enjoying our kids more than ever lately. They have been so fun. Yes, I still need breaks and I loooooooovvveee when they are sleeping. But they really have been a blast. And yet, this whole, I didn't think we were done thing nagging in my head, is stealing my joy. And that sucks.

I shouldn't let it. I'm just realizing that no matter how many good things are going on with a person, I bet there's probably something in their mind that they wish was different. And that is what I hate about being human. Goodness, how can we be truly happy? I'm not trying to get preachy but I am so thankful I'm not in this alone. I am so thankful God knows more than me and he knows my future. I am so thankful that I can pray and ask for peace and he will give it to me. Give me allll the peace.

Anyways, that escalated quickly. And now it's after four and still no dinner plans. Hmm..


  1. Loved this ❤️ thanks for sharing Friend! I agree, I'm so thankful we can go to Him in prayer and He gives peace that truly does surpass all understanding.

    1. Ahh thanks Tiff! I can't believe you took the time to read this! ❤️❤️


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