Welcome to My House

We are one month into the school year and we are starting to settle into a rhythm. I don't know about you but I find that my days/weeks kind of have an ebb and flow to them (I have no idea what that saying means. What's an ebb?) Monday morning we hit the ground running, Tuesday and Wednesday fly by, and come Thursday morning I'm ready to accomplish nothing. I usually don't work out on Thursday and sometimes we don't even leave the house. Which is rare for me, because I'm a get out of the house kind of person.

I went on a bit of a crazy freezer meal making frenzy last week. I randomly saw this post, bought allllll the ingredients and made three beef stews, three pans of lasagna, and two batches of chicken wild rice soup. So far the recipes are alright. Not like my all time favorites by any means. But it's better than eating frozen pizza or fast food. We're trying the beef stew for the first time tonight. Hope we like it because I have two more batches of it. I'm not sure what makes these "freezer meals" so special. Couldn't I just make my usual recipes and freeze them?

Big downside of making so many meals. Dirty dishes for daaaays. Well it'd only be one day if I had time to do them all but I kept chipping away at them like twenty minutes at a time and never really made much progress. So for the better part of last week, my kitchen looked a lot like this.

Louisa needs some work. We're all completely happy with the way things are but... I know we should get rid of her pacifiers. She only gets them at nap and bedtime. And I say "them" because she uses two... "two pluggers" she says. One in her mouth and she holds the other in her hand. I've never tried not letting her have them. I'm sure that would be an easy step in the right direction. But she says please sooo...

Also, she's still in a crib. We need to move her to her toddler bed. But I KNOW she can't get out of her crib and she sleeps so good. Like we never have problems with her (just wait today I will just because I just said that) and I worry that if she's in a toddler bed she'll be running around her room during nap time. Why rock the boat, right?

And lastly, potty training. She's two and a half. I didn't even start potty training with the boys until they turned three. And it went pretty quickly for them, I think. I can't remember. But don't you always hear that girls can do it sooner? I just need to bite the bullet and spend a couple days where that's the only focus and actually put her in underwear or at least a pull-up. Ugh but I'm a coward. So, experienced moms; what should we work on first? Pacifier, toddler bed, or potty training? I feel like they should probably be in that order. But meh, can't she just use her pacifier, keep using diapers and stay in her crib forever? What's so wrong with that?

While I'm talking about Louisa, I so want to buy her some girl toys. Mostly I want to buy her Anna and Elsa dolls of some kind. We have play food and a kitchen that she plays with all the time and a naked dolly that she carries around. But our girl toys are basically non-existent. I know not necessities, especially when you have the Avengers, Star Wars, and Power Rangers to play with.

My girl, I just like her way more than she deserves. I tuck her into bed and I say "goodnight big girl" and she says "goodnight big mama". Did I tell you the other day Micah said to her "I love you precious babe" and she says "I love you precious Dad". She's too much.
