This is Motherhood

7:30 wake up. Check my phone. Go to the bathroom.

7:45 get Louisa up. Change her diaper. Get her dressed. Get the kids cereal. Pick out the boys clothes. Eat a bowl of Special K.

8:00 tell the boys to get dressed. I get dressed.

8:15 tell the boys to put their shoes on. Grab Lincolns backpack, snack for the day. Walk Lincoln to school.

8:25 load up Asa and Louisa in the van. Take Asa to preschool.

8:40 get home. Brush my teeth. Brush my hair then ponytail. Wash my face. Put my earings in. Fix Louisa's hair.

8:50 walk Louisa to the neighbors.

9:00 appointment. Get a call from one of my clients about a problem she needs fixed asap.

10:20 pick up Louisa. Walk back home. Change her diaper. Read her a book.

10:45 go to the Y. Two miles on the elliptical machine.

11:30 pick up Asa from school.

11:45 get home. Check my phone. Color with Asa. Start making lunch. Get an email from another client that needs a brochure resized asap.

12:15 feed the kids' lunch. Them: scrambled eggs, yogurt, and toast. Me: scrambled eggs and a salad. Think about a friends baby shower tonight. Should I go? What should I get her? Find a Target gift card in my gift card drawer. Think maybe I should bake her something to go with it. Because it's way more fun to get a physical thing with a gift card. Just a gift card is boring.

12:45 start making a double batch of banana bread while the kids finish lunch and play Legos.

1:20 Louisa is starting to break down, I need to get her down for a nap. Quick get the banana breads in the oven first.

1:30 put Louisa down for her nap. Color with Asa.

1:40 respond to a couple of texts/calls about the church nursery schedule (which I'm now doing).

1:50 head downstairs with Asa. He does his "quiet time" (playing with his toys/legos behind me) while I work. Resizing the brochure is trickier than I had hoped. My client gave me the wrong size in the first place, I knew the odd size couldn't have been right. Resize the whole thing, we lost .69 of an inch. Double check everything. Resend. One problem down. Take banana bread out of the oven. Next client, easy. Send.

2:45 first client wants one more change. Done. Resend. Head back upstairs with Asa.

2:50 Open the front door, Lincoln will be home soon. Start running some dishwater to take a dent out of the massive pile of dishes.

3:05 Lincoln walks home. Blowing an obnoxious whistle the whole way. How did I not notice that he took that thing to school? Talk to Lincoln. Ask him his "three things" from the day.

3:15 oh crap, what are we going to have for dinner? We have hamburger and hamburger buns. I'll make sloppy joes, we haven't had that in forever. Start thawing hamburger. Wake Louisa up. We've got a birthday party to go to.

3:30 load the kids up. Head to McDonald's. Oh but first run back inside and grab the present that I just threw together. It still looks cute. Win. Give the kids a big lecture on how they need to listen, not be too crazy, no yelling, we're not ordering anything, we are just eating cake, we'll have dinner at home. While listening to Frozen. Get to the birthday party. Happy meals for everyone! (was not expecting that, thanks Corinna!) Suddenly my brilliant $4 dollar bill gift for the 4-year-old is seeming pretty cheap. Whoops. Sorry.

5:30 get home. McDonald's playland = headache. Kiss my husband. Be crabby to my family. Woah mom needs some space guys. Everybody heads outside so I can finish posting to the church FB page a reminder about the shower. Start browning the hamburger that is now thawed. What am I going to do with this now?

5:45 play soccer outside with Micah and the kids. Calm myself back down. Apologize for being such a grump.

6:15 come back inside. Talk to Micah about what we're doing with the hamburger. What is he having for dinner? Nobody else is hungry. He's happy, he'll just have Ramen. Open up the microwave to cook the Ramen. He takes out the cup of butter that I softened in the microwave. That was supposed to go in the banana bread. My head drops to the counter. Oh my word. Face palm. All of that. What am I going to do!?!?!?! It's 6:15! The shower is in 15 minutes. It takes an hour to bake banana bread. I already told my friend I was MAKING her banana bread. I just can't NOT now! Maybe you could bring her some another day? No, she lives out of town and I really never see her. That would be weird. Oh my word. What am I going to do? How can I salvage this? Feel like crying but don't. Ain't got no tears left to crrrrryyyyyy

I knew I was doing too much today. At least I nailed it with my clients. At least the kids are still alive. I suppose if I had to screw up something today, this is probably the best option. What am I going to do? I can't give her crappy banana bread, pretending like it's fine. Then she'll think I'm a terrible cook. Micah eats some and says it's not so bad. I eat some. It really isn't bad at all. It's not great. But not bad. Lincoln gives me a hug. (Aww)

6:25 I pull out a gift bag and card and have no idea what I'm going to write. It hits me. Oh my gosh, this is motherhood! I'm juggling so many balls. I can't do it all. This is real. This is my mom life. At end of the day. At least the kids are still alive!

6:40 get to the shower ten minutes late. Get asked several times why I look so tired and if I'm ok. If that isn't a sign that I should have stayed home, I don't know what is. Gave my friend banana bread and a stick of butter as a baby gift. I've hit a new low.

So, I just wanted to share my day in the life... Motherhood is not perfect. And we are going to screw things up. We can try to be perfect. But we can't do everything. Just wrap up that crappy banana bread, hold your head up high, try to keep your eyes open, and keep going.

And no, I don't have any pictures to go along with this post. Did you see me taking pictures anywhere in that timeline?
