Hobby Farm

Hey, where were we?

Earlier today my husband told me that I should get a hobby. The thing about hobbies though, is that they are at the bottom of my priority list. I'll do them after I get everything else done. And if that ever happens, it's at 10:30 at night, and I've got 15-20 minutes before I fall asleep, so I watch Instastories. Where his hobbies have drafts and parties and schedules. I'm not complaining, just explaining. I'm totally happy my husband has things he enjoys - that's not the point of this at all. It's just, that's why I opened this up.

I haven't been writing lately for the same reason that I started writing in the first place. Because I felt like it. I've found myself enjoying other things like having actual one on one conversations with friends as opposed to a conversation with the masses. I don't mean that as an insult to you, my valued reader, in any way. Just trying to actually talk to people.

I suppose I could join a Bible study one evening, but even then, I don't like rushing away from my family. Bah, another lose lose. How do I get what I want - an engaging social activity thing - and have it not take away from my family/home time? And even if I had a hobby, I feel like I would have to like purposefully and intentionally take myself away from my family. Which doesn't come that easy.

Being a woman. Now that doesn't come easy. You should have seeeeen the emotions last weekend.  Ugh, even now, I barely remember it, thank goodness. Quick summary; 4 AM, crying, I'm a terrible mother (specifically in reference to Lincoln and I's ongoing bike riding issues, that's another story for another day), followed up by I'm not as cool as this person, why don't I have everything together, ugly crying. And that was just the start of the day. Goodness gracious, I really had gone pretty much like all summer without crying but let me tell you something there was a storm inside of me and it hit all at once.

After the kids were in bed that night and the smoke began to clear (and I curled up on the couch, put together church nursery worker thankyou's and I watched I Feel Pretty - which I might add, was surprisingly decent and enjoyable) I thought to myself. There's no way a man has ever had to deal with these problems. WHEN tell me WHEN has your husband ever sat there crying to you "Ugh I just feel like a terrible dad" No, that's not even a thing. Doesn't the phrase "terrible mother" just like roll off your tongue? Is there such a thing as dad guilt? I've never heard of it. This wasn't meant to be a man-bashing thing at all. I love men. I love husbands. I love dads. I'm just saying, we women, there is a different level of emotions that we have to deal with. That I deal with.

And on that note, who wants to do a hobby with me?

Hi, I'm Kristina. I enjoy spending money, step class, taking pictures but not editing them, bedtime but not putting my kids to bed, talking, and quality time with my husband.


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