Put it in My Pocket

Songs I'm into right now... we went to Black Panther. So, of course, the music was amazing. Kendrick Lamar (who, for the record, I am not a big fan of), All the Stars and Pray for Me are the best. They've been on repeat when I'm at my computer. My computer. Speaking of that, I really haven't been spending much time there. Which has been good. I'm in a good place with my work-life balance. Life is winning over work. I've been doing like hobbies and reading books and like playing with my children instead. Shocking.

I finally finished Lilac Girls. I almost quit halfway through, but I stuck it out, and it was really good. I haven't been working out much lately. Don't really have a good excuse. I should probably be working out right now but ya know, priorities. And my flu diet has finally worn off. Bummer. I took a pregnancy test the other day and it read "Nope, just fat" and then proceded to scroll across in all caps "NOW STOP EATING PIZZA AND CAKE!" All that from a tiny stick. So rude.

Something you should know about Asa... He has something against girls. I'm talking about like girl Imaginext little figures. Rey, Wonder Woman, even the Pink and Yellow Ranger. He has no need for them. He even told me we should sell Rey the other day. He says there are real people girls that he likes but any toy that looks like a girl he just won't play with. Should I be worried? This has been going on for months.

We're starting up small groups at our church and we're hosting one at our house. I'm pretty excited. BUT if you know anything about hosting a bible study/small group then you know. They won't let you do it unless your house is PERFECT. So that's why we're tearing down the wallpaper. We've got a week and we've got the wallpaper all out of the kitchen and hoping to paint it soon. Spent an hour in Hobby Lobby this weekend. That place is so overwhelming. Everything is cute. Even styles I don't even like look cute there. It's hard to narrow myself down to just what will fit with our house style. I think I'm down to Mid Century Modern, Minimalist, Hipster, with a tiny splash of Farmhouse. Maybe.

Ok, fyi I was totally kidding about your house having to be perfect. I hope you knew that. But still, any motivation to get my house fixed up is good enough for me. So we're rolling with it.

If you listen to those two Kendrick Lamar songs on YouTube, this Drake song will automatically come next. And it's good too. Love the video. If I made videos, I would make something like this.

And speaking of inspirational videos. This iPhone commercial. I just love it. I love absolutely everything about it. It is perfection in a commercial. Location, actors, music, effects, everything. I've watched it several times, just for fun. Watch it. Do it.

I said do it!

Oh man, and now I've just discovered Vulfpeck. I know nothing about them. But they do the song on that commercial and this video! Adorable! Those kids! Wow, that was impressive. Has anyone ever heard of them?! Micah and I LOVE discovering new music from random places. He'll be impressed with this find, I know it. 

This is the only video I've watched so far (and I have to listen to it about 20 times straight before I can move on) but I'm def checking out the rest later.

If you're still with me, thanks. Music inspires me. And most of my blog titles are usually music related. If you drive by my house and you see a dance party. Then come on in!
