Friday Night Fun

Here's to not doing what we're supposed to be doing. I've got laundry to fold, some church website work, some design work, meh.. don't feel like it. Hey at least my kitchen is clean THAT should count for something. And I've already done my prayer journal for the night, go me.

A couple things I've wanted to tell you about... let me think.

Project 333 is on. Some weird, random relative told me about it (KIDDING Melinda ;) and it sounded super interesting. So I'm doing it. Went through my closet, filled up a full bin of clothes and carried it off to the basement for safe keeping. The only slight exception I'm giving myself is earings. They want me to include jewelry in my 33 things? That seems a bit strict. Now, I really only wear one pair of earrings throughout the week already, so I feel like the battle has already been won there. So if I want to wear a different pair of earrings one day, I'm not going to stop myself. Now, that hasn't happened yet in the three days I've been on the project, so technically I haven't even cheated yet. In case you didn't feel like clicking on that link, here's what it's about:

It's a minimalist fashion challenge that invites you to dress with 33 items or less for 3 months. You pick 33 items including clothing, accessories, jewelry, outerwear, and shoes. What's not counted as part of the 33 items: wedding ring or another sentimental piece of jewelry that you never take off, underwear, sleepwear, in-home lounge wear, and work out clothing.

So yeah I'm doing it. Not sure if I'll make it the full three months but that's ok. 2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of black leggings, 1 pair of dress pants, about 20ish different tops and sweaters, 2 pairs of boots, my black winter coat, hat, gloves, and 1 pair of earrings. I do sometimes wear my work out clothes when I'm not working out, so I could potentially be guilty of stretching the rules there. And I mean, I LIVE in my "lounge wear" aka sweatpants, so there's that as well. But either way, here we go. It's a challenge that doesn't involve eating or not eating anything, so it's a win-win. Cheesecake anyone?

The first few days of the new year I felt the need to do EVERYTHING. I didn't make any specific resolutions but I feel like I put pressure on myself to do better at everything. More eating healthy, more working out, more intentional time with my kids, more keeping my house clean, etc. And something I just have to remind myself of is that you can't be on every bandwagon at the same time. Something just has to give. You (or at least me) can only really focus on doing a few main things well. So don't get down on yourself.

My kids. An interesting thing is happening to Lincoln. He is discovering his things, his room, alone time, etc. He's got a nice little toy set up on his desk in his bedroom, shuts the door, and plays by himself. Asa and Louisa don't like it at all, they want in, they want to see what he's doing. But we're letting him have his space. He's keeping his special things in a drawer in his desk. Many a time he's come home from school and said: "mom every time I come home my stuff is wrecked". And I'm' sorry buddy but it's true. He does have the coolest toys and the little kids mess them up. It's just interesting to see him grow and want to do his own thing.

And Asa and Louisa. They are stuck to each other like glue. And to me. They are my people. They want to do everything together and everything that I'm doing. It's annoying and cute at the same time.

Asa does "quiet time" now instead of naps. BUT I think three days last week he fell asleep in his bed while he was reading books. So it's been actually a great transition overall. Sometimes he still sleeps, and I still get a small break from him in the afternoon.

Louisa is everything I've ever wanted in a child. I know that sounds ridiculous but it's true. And it's not that the boys weren't or aren't, she just demonstrates it more... somehow. She talks, her hair, her personality, it just gets me. I don't really have any good photos in these moments but when I cuddle with her and talk with her and I look at her little face, or we're bouncing and giggling, that's when I'm my happiest. It's just another feeling.

Alright, that should be enough updates for one night. And I better get some work done. After I finish work I think I'm going to start This is Us. Before you freak out and say "What!? I can't believe you've never seen it!!" Let me just tell you, a couple years ago, before it started, I saw an ad for it and I thought "that looks like a good show. I think I should get into that". But of course, never had time to. So while everyone else is freaking out and balling and what not, I'm over here burying my head in the sand. For the past two years! I know.

Also... something you should know. I'm sure you noticed... my room's covered in eagles. (face palm) It's a project for next summer. Even the closet. Covered.
