Kids are exhausting. For example, I'm folding laundry and have a stack of folded washcloths and hand towels. Louisa and Asa want to help me put them away. So they each grab a stack, follow me, and throw the no longer folded wash clothes and hand towels in the drawer. I just spent 20 minutes folding laundry... My goal this week was to get my laundry done, folded, and put away before the basket's full of dirty clothes. I finally did it this morning and I'm exhausted.
Plus an impromptu cleaning of the bathroom floor and toilet. Oh my word what happened here? Lincoln did you do this?! (there's pee everywhere) His response: "ohhh". To be fair he did say sorry and obviously felt bad, poor guy.
Plus an impromptu cleaning of the bathroom floor and toilet. Oh my word what happened here? Lincoln did you do this?! (there's pee everywhere) His response: "ohhh". To be fair he did say sorry and obviously felt bad, poor guy.
Running errands with kids is work. With the snow and ice, I've been carrying Louisa more instead of making her walk. And I can feel it in my arms. Getting coats on, buckling, unbuckling, carrying them in, going through the store, while juggling the kids, paying, pushing the cart out through the snow, unloading the kids, buckling them back in, unloading the groceries, returning the cart... And that's just one stop. Imagine if you have to stop TWICE! Anyways, I've decided that as a general rule I try to never run more the two errands in one trip. We can't handle more than that. If I have three errands to do, I have to break it up until either later in the day or tomorrow.
Something I can not say enough about is the free childcare at the Y. Where would I be without it? I don't want to think about it. Since September I've been trying to work out at least three times a week. It's a win-win. I get a break from the kids plus exercise. Oh and guess what else I discovered? I really like watching TV. And I really never get to at home. BUT for 45 minutes I get to ride the elliptical machine while I can simultaneously watch CNN, CBS, ABC, HGTV, and ESPN. Tell me, what more could I want? I usually flip between Kelly and Ryan or the View and whatever's on HGTV. It makes working out so much better. Plus I have somewhat intelligent things to talk about with my husband when he gets home. Bonus. So how about the Packers not making the playoffs? How 'bout that new tax bill? Did you see the TIME person of the year?
Today I was going to take the morning slow, let the kids play and not rush off somewhere. But errands call and I'm the type of person that needs to get out of the house. I had a chiropractor appointment and we need a few groceries. I have three or four more errands on my to-do list but I'm waiven that white flag. It's too much. I'll have to do them later.
Also here I am. At the Y. I wasn't planning on coming here. But I needed a break. Just 30 minutes to collect my thoughts.
I NEVER buy stuff here, unless I have a coupon. (There's a coffee shop here too. I'm spoiled, I'm telling you.) But I did today. I know, it's a waste of money, I have food at home. I'm sorry, don't tell my husband. It was a moment of weakness. Premeditated weakness.
Oh, Survivor finally tonight! Or tomorrow night for me. Also, while I'm thinking of it. Just so you know, I have banned myself from buying any clothing for myself for the month of January. Hold me to it. No matter what the sale is!
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