Back at it

Garbage taken out, dishes washed, crumbs brushed off of... everything. Another birthday party done. 

I didn't grow up having large birthday parties. I think that's why my kids' parties will always be on the small side.

A lady just came to my door to buy something I posted on a FB sale site. I open the door and she says "ah you're the lucky winner of this house!". And honestly, that's exactly how I feel here. I've never lived somewhere where I didn't wish I was somewhere else. 

When I lived at home I dreamed of New York, of the world, something bigger and better. 

When I lived in Missouri I wished I was with Micah. 

The other places I've lived after we were married, little apartments and what not, I knew that's not where we'd be forever. 

And our last house... I loved it there because it was ours and my people were there. But I didn't love it. Out of all the places we've lived our first home, where we lived for almost 5 yrs somehow has like the least emotional attachment. We don't think of it at all anymore. (Except for that one time when I accidentally drove home to it) 

It's freezing outside. Fall must be here. Lincoln and I have his kindergarten orientation tomorrow morning. Then I leave at lunch time and he stays there by himself for the rest of the day. I'm really excited. He's excited. "Mom, I'm so excited I think I'm just gonna scream the whole time" (oh gosh I hope not) Or the night before his birthday "Mom, I'm so excited I could just explode". His language has been quite dramatic lately. 

Our summer was wonderful. Technically we didn't go anywhere. Not even Duluth, not even the Cities. But we moved and that was enough excitement. I designed another catalog this summer. I wonder if this was my last. Every year I swear it will be but every year I do it again. I think it's probably some twisted thing in my brain that makes me feel nice to be needed. My husband told me not to think of it as work or a job, think of it as new furniture. And that's what I did. 

Sorry, this post is long and all over the place. Wouldn't it be nice to have nice organized thoughts with perfect subject titles? Who has those? But I'm trying to get back into blogging. I miss the memories that I didn't get to write down. So I've gotta start somewhere and sometimes if you wait for something to be perfect you'll be waiting the rest of your life. 

And speaking of perfect. Somebody teach me how to spell!


  1. I'm so happy you are in your forever home and loving it! I know the feeling and it's the best! Here's to many happy days and memories!!


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