Not Dishes

Oh my gosh. Who wants to give me money? Nah I'm just kidding. We'll be fine. But I just feel like money is flying outta everywhere. More money here, more money there. My computer hasn't been working. So do I put a new hard drive in an 8-year-old computer or drop two grand on a new one?

Meanwhile, I'm buying a house where we'll probably be sitting on the floors for the first few years. Anybody wanna give me a perfectly beautiful sectional? Hmm, any takers? Oh fine, you can just give me the cash instead, I guess I'll settle for that. Ok sorry, I'm being ridiculous.

Also, I came home from my bible study to a spotless house last night. So, ya know, no pressure on me tonight while Micah's gone. Who wants to do my dishes? So far, instead of doing the dishes I have... watched an hour of Fixer Upper, posted a video (hilarious, I keep watching it and laughing), called an old friend (ANSWER YOUR PHONE!), and am writing this blog post. I mean why not, this HAS to be done now doesn't it?! These thoughts won't just stay in my head forever. Gotta get them out somehow.

And here's some completely unrealated photos.
