Little Bottoms

Last weekend at my parent's house Lincoln decided that he didn't need to sleep with a pull up on. I've kinda tried to get him to go without every now and then for the last month or so but he's never wanted to. I can't even remember when he's had a wet one. So when he said he didn't' need one, right before bed, at my parent's house no less, I thought... ok, why not. Worst case scenario... we ruin my parent's mattress lol. But that didn't happen thank goodness. So goodbye pull ups for Lincoln.

Asa's little bottom has pretty much been potty trained with the exception of #2. He poops first thing in his bed every morning. Idk when. All I know is he comes out of his room with a dirty diaper. I'm sure the solution to getting him trained was for me to wake up earlier than him and sit him on the potty before he gets a chance to do it in his bed. But ain't nobody got time for that. Yet. Well anyways, last Sunday morning Asa was wearing underwear, eating his breakfast by himself while the rest of us were getting ready for church. I realized he was up there alone and got nervous. I came into the kitchen and there he was getting off his chair, looked up at me and says "Mom, poop is coming!" and scurried over to his potty. I thought for sure I was about to have a disgusting trip to the laundry room to clean out his ruined pants and underwear. But NO there was nothing in there. So he sat down on the potty and did it! All on his own! All by himself! No prompting at all! Poop in the potty! And he has woken up clean and gone in his potty every day this week. I tell you what, in my experience of potty training two boys it's almost like something magical happens around age 3 and somehow it just clicks. I remember an experienced mom telling me not to push potty training and when they're ready they'll just get it. I have found that to be extremely true.

Louisa is happy in her size 3 diapers and is currently in the destruction stage. She plays so well most of the time. But most of the time she's wrecking and discovering. Dumping out drawers, dumping out laundry, pulling every magnet off the fridge, emptying toy bins, etc. This weekend we decided to try to drop her morning nap and move her down to one afternoon nap a day. Great timing because of daylights savings time so now the poor thing is really short on sleep. It's been a bit stressful this week because now I have to deal with her all morning instead of getting an hour and a half break. But when she's napped well in the afternoon it has been glorious. And I am really looking forward to being able to do things and go places in the mornings now. I'm sure most people may find me ridiculous but I put a high priority on nap schedules.

Oh and speaking of bottoms, my butt is still killing me. I got new Smartwool socks for my birthday and the next day I slipped (while holding Louisa) and fell/slid down the stairs. New socks = slippery. It hurt soooo bad. Louisa was wailing but totally fine. My arms pulled her in tight and fortunately my butt was there to break our fall on every single step.

He can now blow up ballons by himself.
I feel like my kids are constantly surprising me with new words or skills. But then at the same time leaving me frustrated when we can't complete simple tasks. GET IN THE VAN AND GET BUCKLED! (That's not actually me yelling just speaking very firmly. I fell like you should know that because I'm in parenting a class and yelling is definitely on the naughty list 😉 )  Grace. Oh man we all need it. My kids need it. I need it. The other day I wore a sports bra all day in hopes of potentially working out. And it didn't happen. At the end of the day I felt like a failure. But it isn't at the top of my priority list right now. A great thing to do. But I have to remember to give my kids and myself grace when things don't go perfectly and when I don't get everything done.

Sweet Lou's first smoothie.

Here, let me help you with these dishes mom.

Babies are messy.
