Just Another Day

We've been having a good day. But all it takes is one bad lunchtime to fix that. I made the ridiculous decisions to serve potatoes and corn instead of the always acceptible peanut butter and jelly with baby carrots and ranch. And you know who's paying the price? Me. I. Am. Grumpy.

Suddenly it's becoming clear to me. It's one against three. I've been playing one on three and they're running a full court press. I need a sub. Can I get a sub?

Micah's had parent teacher conferences this week. So that combined with his bible study one night + awanas + conferences till 8pm the other night, I feel like it's a one man (woman) show.

And speaking of ridiculous decisions I've been trying to keep my house clean and organized. You know those people on Instagram that have beautifully clean houses... yeah, they're starting to get to me. Inspiration is turning into discouragement.

Now don't feel sorry for me, things really aren't that bad. But SCREW YOU Instagram. Ok, I'm just kidding. Not really screw you Instagram, that was an exaggeration. But I really do get discouraged by friends and people who just seem so perfect.

I've found that we have our best days when I have very low expectations. I'm not sure if that's great advice in general but sometimes when life is with kids it's reality.

Please don't miss understand I'm not actually doing that bad and I'm not even close to the end of my rope. Believe me, I know, things can get much worse. But I can not wait for Micah to come home from work today. And more good news, NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! The end is in sight. Help is coming.

Stick with this meal. Every time.

Sometimes they DO play together so nice.

I do love my kids. I do love my kids. Say that to yourself. It helps.
