What Goes Around...Comes Around

Just when you think to yourself "man I love my kids" that's when you need to keep your mouth shut. You're having fun with your kids? You keep those thoughts to yourself! Life lately has been like payback for my last post.

Oh yeah? You think you're enjoying your kids? Well take this! -The universe.

Honestly, right now I can't exactly remember all the details of how bad it's been, and I don't want to rack my brain trying to remember the horror. All I know is after running up and down three flights of stairs between two crying kids at 2:30 in the morning, I began to question my entire belief system. Everything. Now, not God or being a Christian. But basically everything else. My last post? I take it all back.

Asa fell off the couch and broke his tooth. That was pretty traumatic. So now because his mouth is hurt he can't put his pacifier in his mouth so he's been crying every bedtime (currently the last two nights he's gone to bed WITHOUT crying! Yay!) But it got to the point where someone would be crying and I was just empty. All my comforting and compassion, it was gone. All used up. And then I found myself in the WIC office and the lady asked me how I was doing... And I'm just holding back the tears wishing she would have asked me that two weeks ago. Because it would have been a completely different story. Isn't that the way life is sometimes.

Thankfully we had a break and brought my kids to my parent's house for our 2nd annual night away from the kids in Duluth. Things were going so bad, I didn't know how I could leave these train wrecks at my parents and expect them to handle it. But somehow they did.

I wanted to post photos during our trip but I couldn't bring myself to. You'd think I never had any problems. I love my kids. Here I am taking a trip away with my husband. My life is perfect, Ect. 

I know Facebook is basically just everyone's highlights, but I so want to be real. Life is hard and often our highlights are just bookends to a really really rough week. At least that's the way my life is sometimes.

Anyways, now we're dealing with a sick baby. Louisa cried the other night from 2-4am and we could not figure out why. Now we know, she's pretty stuffed up and sick. And she only cried from 2-3am last night so that's an improvement...

Preschool is kicking out butts. Who knew a simple drop off and pick up time would be so constricting. Little miss Louisa has basically been the boss of our schedule her whole life. We schedule our days around her nap/feeding routine. And it has been easy, breezy, beautiful. Until now. When we all are finding out that she is not the center of the universe. And nobody's happy. That is, except for Lincoln who is away having a blast at school.

I have just been praying for wisdom as to how to handle my babes. I'm also realizing that I need to ask for help. I keep thinking I wish I had someone who could help me. I wish I had someone who could pick him up for me or stay with my sleeping kids. But you know what, no one is going to unless I start asking. I don't know why but asking for help is sooo hard. And awkward. And scary.

So, my tiny unimportant in the grand scheme of things prayer is that we could find some sort of carpool/babysitting solution so I won't have to wake Asa and Louisa up from their naps to pick Lincoln up. But that means I'm going to have to ask people, people I don't even really know (other parents in Lincolns class maybe) for help. Ugh, I'd almost rather die.

I don't mean to complain. I just thought I had better balance my last post of kids are so wonderful with some reality. Kids are a lot of work. And very very complicated.

Ok, so preschool isn't' all bad. Look at this boy being creative.

Sick baby. Busted tooth.

Us in Duluth + the fantasy sweet. Thank you Motel 6 for being the cheapest hotel in town.

I made her do extra choirs for all the trouble she's caused. 


  1. Good thing you have a girls night coming up. Sorry life's been rough for you. I have a word in with someone about rides.... we'll see where it goes. Hopefully we can figure out something for you. Hang in there!


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