I love my husband more than Justin Bieber

You would think that sentence wouldn't need to be said. Yeah, yeah, obviously, Kristina, we all know you love your husband more than Justin Bieber. But today, it was put to the test.

My sister and I went to Target yesterday. There were a few racks of cute graphic tank tops. I found this Justin Bieber one, it fit great, and I thought it was funny. No one would expect me to wear this. This is hilarious I thought.

Now, if you know my husband you know that he's probably one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Not argumentative, not very opinionated (on non-important things), gets along with everybody, easy going. That's him. I put on my new t-shirt this morning....

What!? No. Of all the shirts! If John sees you... There is not a shirt you could have bought that says STUPID BRAIN DEAD TEENAGER more than this. That is the worst shirt you could have bought! Of all my worst case scenarios, this is worse. I don't care how much it costs, I would rather you have bought a shirt that costs ten times more. Are you going to wear that when I'm with you? On and on it went.

And that's just what I can remember. He was not impressed. He looked at me... in disbelief. He said no one was going to get that I thought it was funny. People will think bad of me. People will think I'm stupid. "You're a very intelligent person and no one will know it if you wear that!" It was quite literally the strongest feelings I've seen from him... in a long time.

"But honey, I actually kind of like the design, and it's really comfortable. I think it looks kinda cool" I said. "You know what else looks cool? SIN!" Was his smart response.... (picture me, rolling my eyes) 

But look, there were Coke shirts, Mickey Mouse shirts, Star Wars shirts... If I were to wear one of those, nobody would think twice. Yeah, Star Wars is popular right now, everybody loves Star Wars I could join those mindless masses and blend right in. But an almost 30 year old mom, toting around three kids in her minivan, wearing a Justin Bieber shirt, that's something. And that's funny. 

But it didn't matter. Micah would be embarrassed to be seen with me. And pretty much everything he said was true and made sense. But I still didn't agree. Lincoln, of course, agreed with me. We argued (playfully but mostly seriously) back and forth for most of today. 

Then Micah went to work and I had some time to think. I knew what I should do. So I told Lincoln... that I had to take it back. And his little response... "But mom, why are you just going to do what Dad wants?" I couldn't believe he said that. What an opportunity... "Because I love him. Sometimes do you have to obey me and do things you don't want?" His little head shakes yes. "Well, sometimes I have to obey Dad and do things I don't want. He's kinda the boss of me". Ugh the hilarity, the ironicness, and the little bit of truth. I found the whole thing so amusing. I did not anticipate this being such a big deal.

I told my brother Joel this whole story and he died laughing. He also thought it was hilarious but would also cover his head in embarrassment if seen with me. So, I ask you. Would we still be friends if I wore this shirt? Funny or no? 

 Since I'm returning it I thought I better take a few pictures of the cute outfits that I'll never get to wear...

See, it's like a pop of color. A pair of red shoes. Just a little something unexpected. Justin Bieber. 
Back to the noncontroversial Avengers for me. 
