Food, Bees, Money, and Hair

All it takes is a few days away from home and I'm ready to get back in da kitchen. Who knew I like to cook. Anyways, apparently that's been my thing for the tweek. -is that a typo.. or maybe the next new thing.

I've seen quite a few of my friends doing whole30 diets so I looked into it. I'm definitely not on it, but every little bit helps right? Like yesterday I made my own taco seasoning with like spices from my spice rack (thank you pinterest) instead of the normal taco seasoning packet. And it was AmaZing. Why not, save myself from the Maltodextrin and Autolyzed Yeast Extract (what is that anyways) if I can. Now, it was probably all for not because my ground beef was probably full of some sort of toxins but again, a little bit has to do some good right? Maybe.

Lincoln got stung by a wasp last week. On his nose, poor guy. But I've got to think that's some right of passage into little boyhood. Now the other night he was out late at a birthday party and there we were sitting up waiting for him to come home. How did this happen!?

Some real terrible things happened last week. This whole world is going to pot. I feel like both sides are pointing fingers, blaming each other, calling each other out. And the truth is a fine line between both extremes. And don't even get me started on Hilary. So many things things I've seen on facebook that I could have shared, it is so hard not to be a crazy sharing person.

Oh one more thing I've been into lately... LuLaRue clothing. And spending money. Someone stop me from spending money. Seriously, I just love buying things. Where can I get a job to just buy things? Because I would be good at it. But seriously, my LuLaRue shirts; I go to take it off at night and I'm like.. do I really want to take this off because this is actually more comfortable than my pajamas.

Louisa has been rolling over quite a bit now. She can roll over but she can't roll back yet. So she'll roll over and be happy for a few minutes but then start complaining. Lincoln says "Mom, how can we stop her from doing this!? We should put up a blocker or something" And I'm just like No Lincoln, and it's only going to get worse...

Anyways, that spending money thing. Sometimes I feel like I'm really good and there's nothing I am in need of. And then there's times when we need Alphabots (I CAN NOT wait to get these! Lincoln is gunna flip and I should really get him started on those before preschool), my friend is having a LuLaRue party (and I mean it would be RUDE not to get anything), Louisa needs a ZipadeeZip (we've got to get her out of that swaddle), oh and I needed a haircut (those cost money), ehh and worst purchase of all... a freezer. I know what you're thinking "how in the world do you not have a freezer!?" Well, I haven't. It's ridiculous to be jealous of your mom friends because of their freezer space. But ladies and gentlemen (mostly ladies) I was there. And my latest jam making is what put me over the edge. I need to stop buying fun things like clothes and haircuts and buy something practical. And it WILL actually save us money, right? right?

So needless to say I have overdone it this month. :( No more spending. You can hold me accountable! (Read this)

"Everybody in the bathroom so we can take a picture of my new haircut!" - me


  1. To not be a Crazy Sharing Person.. the struggle is real!
    I love your haircut. :)


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