
The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.

I used to have that quote in a frame on my wall. Now it's put away and has been replaced with.. well.. nothing. Life. It has been replaced with life. Since being out on my own, getting married and finishing basketball and college, the free travel options have really dried up. And I've lost that part of myself for now. But that's ok I guess, this is the season of life that I'm in right now and I need to enjoy where I am.

That being said, if you were to ask me, if you could go anywhere where would you go? For the past nine years, I would have told you "I want to go to Las Vegas and see my friend Livia." She was my basketball teammate and roommate in college. I loved my roommates. When I left SBU I balled and balled. It was the end of an era.

Honestly after all this time I was kind of thinking that I would never see her again. Keeping friends is hard. And taking the first step is even harder sometimes. Would she even still like me? What if I go all the way out there and we're not even friends anymore. I figured I'd probably never know. 

Anyways, I knew my parents were going to Santa Barbara in June for some health conference (yes, I was jealous, but moving on) A couple weeks ago I was talking to my mom and she casually mentioned how they're not driving but flying to Las Vegas, renting a car and then driving the rest of the way because it was so much cheaper than driving. I, of course, flipped out "What?! You know I would LOVE to go to Vegas! Ah man! I wish I could go and visit Livia!" Anyways, that was that. But, I complained just enough for my mom to mention it to my Dad. And when my Dad called me that night, I had a wishful feeling that I knew what he was going to say. Well, I had hoped he was volunteering to PAY for my ticket but I wasn't that fortunate. There were still cheap tickets available and Baby Louisa and I grabbed one.

You wanna know how long it's been since I've seen this girl? For perspective, this is the first time we've ever had our picture taken with a phone. Because when we were in college cell phones were just cell phones. We've both been married for almost seven years and I had never seen her engagement ring. Well, and in the last 9 years, I played two more years of basketball, got married, graduated college, got a job, moved, moved again, had three babies, bought a house... And that's not even counting all the really important stuff, I've read Twilight, watched what like 16 seasons of the Bachelor and Bachelorette, so yeah, we had a lot to talk about!

Here's some of my phone pics. Don't worry, I'll post the good photos too. ; )
