
Logistics. Logistics. Here's how we made my trip work. The boys and I were to leave our house and spend Tuesday night at my parents, get up early Wednesday morning, drop the boys off at Micah's parents, then drive to Grand Forks to catch our flight. The boys would spend Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights at Micah's parents (equalling the most nights I've ever spent away from them). Micah's last day of school is Friday. After school, he'd drive to Bemidji, spend the night at his parents with the boys, then drive to Grand Forks to pick up Louisa and I on Saturday. We drive back to Micah's parents, pick up the boys, drive home and get all the kids to bed by 7:30pm. Easy peasy, see ya at church Sunday morning.

Or something like that. Anyways, the trip was soo worth it. I went an entire afternoon without even remembering that I had two other kids. It was so refreshing. There's something to be said for date nights, grocery shopping on my own or girls nights, but those just do not come close to three whole days away from your kids, can I get an amen!?

I'm so lucky to have family that love taking care of our boys and we're even able to take work off so I could go. Yeah, I may have left them three pages of instructions, don't judge.

Baby Lou LOVES to face out. If you hold her, you've got to hold her out facing or else. So I would have her outward facing while she was awake and then flip her in when it was time for her nap so she could snooze. She really was at an ideal age for traveling. In a few months, not so much.

My mom taking a quick break from walking. This is her face when she realized where she was sitting... and that I caught her with my camera. Don't worry mom, no one reads my blog anyways. ; )

Brought these bad boys through security and on the plane with me for Micah and the boys.
