
So yeah, it took a lot of planning to make that trip happen. Funny story though, about two weeks before our trip my Dad told me to be sure to look into what sort of ID Louisa will need to fly. -Yeah yeah, i thought, I've got her social security card, her insurance card, I'm not worried about it. My Dad, reminding me of stuff I already know...

Anyways, fast forward to Tuesday when I've got my van packed and driving to Bemidji. And remember I've packed for several different people going to several different places. Not to mention my carry on and whatever Louisa and I need in that, plus our luggage. Anyways, I hit Deer River and remember, Ugh! I forgot my Moby wrap! :( Ugh... I need it. I really really wanted to use it on my trip. I turn around and go back for it. That's ok, my kids are still happily eating their Burger King in the back. I run into my house, grab my wrap and a package of M&M's for the boys being troopers with an extra 40 minutes in the car. Back we are on the road again. We pull into my parent's house an hour later and the thought just hits me. Her social security card! I don't have it. I forgot it. I freak out. My Dad's gonna kill me. I'm going to look so stupid! He told me two weeks ago to look into this and I never did. Why did I watch a movie with Micah last night? Ugh, I waste so much time. Why do I do that!?

I do some quick researching on my phone as I carry all our stuff into my parents house. Yeah, I have to have proof of how old she is, and I don't have that. Anything would be better than nothing. Why didn't I grab that folder with all her hospital stuff in it? I bet that could work at least since we haven't gotten her birth certificate yet. But I never even thought of it. What if they won't let her on the flight? What if I get to Las Vegas but they won't let her come home with me?

I need to get the kids to bed. But should I drive back home and get her papers? I call Micah, who's out to dinner with his coworkers and of course he tells me everything going to be ok and even volunteers to drive whatever I need to my parent's house that night.

And then I break down.

Life is never easy. Even when you're about to do one of the things you been looking forward to doing since forever (9 years = forever. basically the same thing).

I pull myself back together because I've got a baby to feed, beds to make, jammies to put on, and kids to get to bed. Is this trip even going to be worth all of this I wonder? Seriously, why do ever even attempt to leave my house?

Micah pulls into the driveway an hour later. He gives me Louisa's papers and I kiss him. And then he pulls right back out and drives an hour back home.

Even when I was an emotional mess (in front of my parents, kids, brother, and husband) I was slightly thankful to be getting my breakdown over with BEFORE the trip. Better the night before at my parent's house than in an airport surrounded by strangers.

I'd like to tell you that it was all worth it and that the papers Micah brought me fixed everything. But no. I never needed them once. No one even asked me her name on the way there and on the way back the check-in lady asked me her name and birthdate but asked for no proof. I should have known better than to freak out, she's is obviously not over 2 years old. I shouldn't have jumped to the ridiculous conclusion I was imagining. Me sobbing while some security guard pulled her out of my arms. Good grief.

Well, better safe than sorry. After that mess, the trip basically went off without a hitch. Louisa was the best travel partner I could ask for. She was a little ice breaker, a friendly little face that everyone would smile at. I kept her on her schedule and I couldn't believe how well she did. I swaddled her and laid her down awake on an airplane. She nuzzled in and went to sleep as if she were home in her bed. Crazy. It was a wonder.

And we're out.


  1. Oh man!!! How stressful! Glad the rest of the trip went great and you had fun. :-)

    1. Thanks Heather! You can always count on me for a good nervous breakdown. ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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