
Does it ever hit you that you're really doing it? You look out at your kids and think "wow, they're really mine. And I am the mom of this family".

Seeing my little Asa wearing Lincoln's "big boy" clothes is something else. I really like clothes. I have memories attached to clothes. And now Asa's wearing the same clothes that Lincoln ran around in the rain in, and got mud all over his face in and danced in front of the refrigerator in.... and this summer we'll make new memoires in those clothes. I know that's a little over sentimental but sometimes the mood just strikes.

This is one of the first evenings in the past two weeks that I've put the kids to bed and not had work to do. Hallelujer. This feels good.

A couple weeks ago I had a good string of days. I was takin care of kids, answering work calls; meetings, making meals, planning dinners, and even going out in public (with my kids!). I was supermom. Literally, supermom. Lit-tra-ly. I don't mean that in a prideful, boastful kind of way. It was just a fact. And, like all supermoms, I had an emotional breakdown at the end of the week.

The week that followed my performance was less than stellar. Asa was sick and two out of three of my daycare/work days were canceled. Which is why I've been working so much in the evenings lately. I already knew this about myself but I am understanding more and more that I do not do well when things don't go the way I've planned. I'm a visual person and I like to visualize and imagine my day and how things will go. And when they don't live up to my dreams, I struggle. So I'm working on that.

This photo ^^ I'm sure I look just fine in. But I've just gotta say the first couple months after having a baby are just the worst for self-esteem. I know I just had a baby and it took nine months for my body to make her. But it's like, when that baby's not in there anymore, I wanna go back to normal! Right now! I went through my summer shorts.. one pair fit. One. (in case anyone is wondering, I will be wearing a black garbage bag, as a dress, all summer.)

Why can't we all just be as classy and confident as Kate Middleton?

I'm a grape snob. They have to be hard and small or else, gross. These are perfection.

Lincoln has been on a roll with doing clever things. He picked a bouquet of dandelions... and look where he put them. : ) Also, my flower skills need help. When you're using your kids' beach toys to plant flowers... yeah, I need help. Apparently I must have borrowed my mom's gardening tools (is that what they're even called) last year.  Looks like I'll have to suffer through another trip to Target or Home Depot... where should I even buy these things? Doesn't matter. I love spending money. 

And the grand finale of this post is this photo. Lincoln and his crazy symmetrical setups. He does this. Look at the soap, the hair ties, the toothbrushes, toothpaste, the toothpaste and hairbrush, the medicine cups. All mirrors of each other, all symmetrical. We didn't teach him this. He just loves arranging things. We walked into the bathroom last night and it was like we had walked into some sort of bathroom counter ritual. Makes me wonder what he's going to be when he grows up.
