And here's what you missed

Alright, let's get back at this. Honestly, I would write more but I just do not get paid enough to write down my thoughts and memories and at the end of the day Netflix and chill wins over.

We're still alive over here. This past month has been filled with ups and downs. Mostly ups but some pretty bad downs. The worst would be me being sick for going on three weeks. I'm praying I'm on the end of it, I've got to be. I had pink eye. Pink eye! I feel like I'm officially a mom now.

Micah finished another class. And this time he had a week break before he started the next one. We had a to-do list and high hopes of all the things we'd get done and do as a family. But no, we were sick instead. I'm sure it's for the best, thank goodness he didn't have a class so I could actually spend a sick day on the couch.
Girls on the couch. Super Dad mopping the floors.

Anyways, let's get a quick catch up.

Lincoln. This boy is something else. So crazy imaginative. He got his Awana Cubbys award tonight. And 15 seconds after sitting down the award was a transformer.

More Lincoln gems: tonight on the way home he was singing out: "Oh be careful little nose what you smell! Oh be careful little nose what you smell! For the Father up above is looking down in love. Oh be careful little nose what you smell." "Is that so funny mom?"

Then tonight as I tucked him into bed I said "Lincoln, you are such a special boy. You did such a good job singing tonight." And he's smiling up at me and says "Mom, I went gas". Ugh.... 

Asa. Is whining and complaining. He's been averaging about 8 minutes a day in the time out chair. And the other day he scored two cookies at the grocery store.

He also got a shot.

Louisa. Baby girl is the bomb. I told myself I would be happy with three boys and I know I would have been. But this little girl is just awesome. I am so in love with her. She was sick for like a day and a half last week. She was up almost all night, thus plunging me into even deeper sickness. I feel like if I'm run down, all it takes is one night of no sleep and I'm done for. Sick. Anyways, she's rocking her schedule and has been sleeping through the night, no joke, since 8 weeks. (with the exception of like two nights last week, which were my most miserable nights of this year).

Oh yeah, she's also on the move as you see above. She started on her pj's and wiggled herself all the way down there. She also miraculously rolled over. Although there were no witnesses, somehow she did it. Which is like 5 months sooner than either of her brothers.

So there's a recap of where we're at. Sorry again for the poor quality phone photos. But they're holding our memories and for that I am thankful. 

And in closing thank you Wells Fargo for recognizing my 24 years of loyalty. I'm going to take the 13 cents I earned in interest this month and run with it.
