I am old

So it's my birthday tomorrow, I am this close to having another baby, and how does this sound "oh what's Kristina up to? Yeah, she's married with three kids..." Ah! That sounds so old. How did this happen?

Anyways, I made it through church today. It's no fun going to church after your due date. The sad faces, the sad looks, the "you're still here" comments, I was pretty nervous to face. But most people talked to me like a person and not a ticking time bomb. So it wasn't that bad and like usual I was so blessed by going. We sang "My hope is in you Lord all the day long... The peace that passes understanding is my song.." and I just thought to myself, I can't believe I felt like skipping this.

I have more good news. My mom is coming. My mom is going to stay with us and then my mother-in-law will be coming later this week for when the baby (hopefully) comes. Hearing that just makes me feel like "ok. I can make it." Knowing that I'll have help during the day and help with meals and stuff, and ya know, just someone to talk to will be soo nice. I can do this. I will survive. This baby will come. Although, I'll be honest, the longer I wait the more crazy thoughts I start to think.. "is she moving enough? If something wasn't right, would I know? Etc." All those fun things.

I know you've heard my complain about this guy enough so I think it's fair to say that I have really been enjoying Lincoln this past week. It's crazy when he comes home from preschool and I think "finally a sane person I can talk to!" No offense Asa, but you really aren't the most reasonable little guy sometimes. Lincoln has just been doing such a good job at being thoughtful and patient with how I'm feeling and he's just been playing sooo good by himself. It's just fun to watch.

And watching is what I have been doing lately. I feel like I've been on my phone doing nothing all weekend, waiting for this baby. Micah's two classes that he's taking end Feb 28th so he's been working basically all weekend trying to get things done before our little girl shows up. And that's been a little hard.

Anyways, I got quite a few things I had wanted for Christmas and with my birthday coming up I can't think of anything that I want. Other than a baby. And this chocolate cake.

That's right. Doesn't it look aaaaamazing!? I asked Micah and Lincoln to make it for me. Micah used to love baking and do it all the time, but he doesn't have time anymore. So he was happy to make this and I was happy to have him in my kitchen to talk to for a few hours. 

Oh and this was one of my great lunches this week. Totally photo worthy, right? That's leftover pizza and eggs. It's what we had, and neither boy complained, so it was a win-win, right? 

As I go along I'm learning more and more that life isn't perfect and I'm learning how to handle that. All meals don't have to make sense. Babies don't come on their due dates. But we still go on. And it's still ok. 

My hope is in you Lord.

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7.
