
Hello Tuesday. I'm super thankful the sun is shining and it's a beautiful day, but man is it cold. We've got half a gallon of milk and no ideas for dinner tonight and I do not want to go out in this cold again. I wonder what we'll come up with for dinner. I love cooking, I really do, but do I have to do it every night?


Apparently those were all my thoughts for yesterday. Needless to say grocery shopping is on the menu today. Last Wednesday the boys and I had nothing planned for the day. You would think that would have been a wonderfully productive day at home of cleaning and laundry. No. Instead I had no motivation for anything. I was tired, the boys were bored. It was bad. So last night I knew I had to get some plans in my head for today to avoid the disaster that was last week. And we're off to a much better start.

Let me tell you about my weekend.

I got together with some girlfriends for a vision board party. I didn't know what I was getting into but I'm all for get togethers, so why not. We talked and thought and planned about our goals for the new year as moms and women. It was super fun. I usually don't do "creative" things like this anymore. Work is my creative outlet for now. But this was refreshing. This board represents everything I'm hoping for for this year. Balance!

I also got together with some college friends for an alumni basketball gathering (I know, two fun things in one weekend). Everything we do as moms requires logistics and planning. We can't just go and do without thinking anymore. I didn't know till the day of if everything would come together so I'd be able to go without my boys. But it worked out and it was wonderful. I'm so thankful for family that love to watch our boys. I'm super thankful to be living close to family. It seriously allows us to do so much more.

So this photo... Is it just me or does this drive anyone else absolutely nuts?! Underneath this mess is my counter. No matter what I do I can only manage to keep it clean for a few days at a time before this monster climbs back on. The only solution I can think of is... I need another counter, but I'm sure that's not a good solution, then I'll just have two to keep clean. Clean counter solutions anyone?

These clowns.

Micah and Asa using the force. Playing with Dad is the absolute best. 

You know you have a problem when you keep a fork in your cake pan...


  1. I totally keep a fork in the pan... access isn't limited that way.

    1. Ha ha thanks Alaina. Glad I'm not the only brilliant one. ; )

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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