My Favorite New Things

So Christmas this year was all about staying warm and comfy. My favorite new things are.. in no particular order...

This amazingly snuggly Cuddl Duds blanket. I'm pretty sure these blankets will be standard issue in Heaven. Oh and about those stains on the couch, they're gone now. So pretend they're not there. 

Next up, is this sweater... I'm so thankful long warm sweaters are in right now (at least in Northern MN they are, who knows about the rest of the world) I can wrap them around my belly no matter how big (hopefully) it gets. Plus it means that I can actually buy something in the normal clothes (not the one rack of maternity clothes) section.

Is it sad that my first thought after seeing this picture was "oh man, I've got to photoshop that mirror"? After realizing how ridiculous that would be, I went down and cleaned the mirror and left the photo alone. Next time I will clean before I take pics. 

Here's my other favorite new sweater. (I got TWO! I told you I felt spoiled) Both are St. Johns Bay from J.C. Penny's. I love them both for the same reasons, but this one is a little warmer. Oh, and how handsome is my husband in this pic? (don't answer that, that would be weird). 

I also got some Jamberry nail wraps from Micah. (yup, I picked out my own gift) Now, I know what you're thinking "how could you? Those posts and parties are so annoying on fb" but social media salesman aside, I actually really like them. Let's do our nails together sometime.

The last thing on my list, my sister coming to visit! Long talks and girl movies, hurray!

Hope you all had a good Christmas. I know gifts aren't the most important things of the season. But this year they're sure making life more comfy around here. 
