A Post About Nothing

How can it be two weeks with my husband home and I'm still just weary of parenting. Maybe it's because we're out of the norm. Let's bring on that schedule! Actually I'm pretty sure it's because we've been putting the boys to bed and partying until ridiculous hours of the night, thus leaving me exhausted. That has got to stop. I'm putting an end to all things fun! I've been so tired in the afternoons that I've had to nap, so if that keeps up, that means that I'll have to work a lot more in the evenings. But I'm kind of looking forward to that for some strange reason. Plus Micah's class load will be heavier the next 8 weeks so looks like we'll be working late together.

We've sure had some up and down days this week. One day was an absolute nightmare. How many spankings can one kid get in a day? And what's worse is that he deserved double. :( Everything was a complaint, I want this, I want that or back talk. Ugh it was terrible. Another struggle, is that Asa is really learning to talk, and it's pretty impressive. The downside... is that now Lincoln is talking like Asa. And it's like his voice has been kicked up a whole octave. Has anyone else gone through this? Anyways, we've been making improvements in the complaining/back talk and baby talk, but who knows what tomorrow will bring. Since we're listing parenting troubles right now, how about slow eating at the dinner table? Asa will eat double the amount in half the time as Lincoln. Is it unreasonable to think that Lincoln should be able to finish his meal within 5-10 minutes of the rest of us? I don't really expect you to have any of these answers, but it feels good to get them out there, into the void. Asa has his bad moments too but they're on a much smaller scale right now. We did have quite a few good days and good moments, don't let me overwhelm you with complaints. The boys played so good together so many times. They're talking back and forth and it's just so cute. They're both so into play doh right now, I think we've played with it everyday this week. Am I the only one who feels like whatever I don't get done before this baby gets here will never get done? Seriously I'm pretty sure there will still be piles of 12 month clothes on top of Asa's dresser when he graduates high school. Will life go on after baby #3 gets here? I really haven't let myself think that far. I'm only thinking up till Feb 20th, or whenever she gets here, sometime after her due date I'm sure, no early babies for me. I also wish I had more time to watch TV shows and read. There are several books I want to read/finish. And I really don't want to tell you this but, I have not watched season 5 of Downton Abbey. I know, I'm a disgrace to all women. And men for that matter. I'm also slowly chipping my way through Gilmore Girls, never watched that either. But I can hardly say I'm watching it, I haven't watched half an episode in like a month. So that doesn't really count. I love TV, I really do. Poor me. Ugh, and the Bachelor is starting... where will I find the time? Oh! But I have news, great news! The upstairs toy room is basically done! Done like I've been wanting it to be for the past 2.5 years. I suppose I should take pictures of it to show you. Hold on...

I originally wanted to paint that Ikea shelving white. And I still kind of want to. But this way it's done already and I don't have to risk screwing it up. 
This tent from Target. I got it on sale during all the toy sales this Christmas. It has terrible reviews online but so far it's still standing and the boys like it.
I'd also like to put a curtain up (I think?) and get a cushion sewn for that bench (that bench is an Ikea TV stand).
If only I had, like a friend who was really good at sewing....
So there you have it. That's my huge success for Christmas break. Maybe somehow I will find time to get things done after baby 3 arrives but it'll take 2.5 years, like this room did.
