Ups and Downs

Hey weary friend. Let's start a club.

We've had a lot of good and fun things this week. I have really been enjoying my kids and I feel like I've done exceptionally well at the mom, work, life balance. I was actually feeling so good I was getting nervous. I could start to feel myself getting too prideful. Perhaps too confident in myself. Quality time with the kids, check. Laundry put away, check. Crock pot dinner, check. Bible study time, check. Date night, check.

I've been reading this book called "What the Bible Says about Child Training". Let me warn you, it's a very old school style book. Meaning like, it could be offensive, and you may not like it. But man, have I found it to be very helpful. I remember my parents swearing by it and passing it out to new parents when I was little. It seems to go against a lot of the things I hear about parenting these days. Either way, I'm pretty sure my parents got a majority of things right when it came to raising my siblings and me, so I definitely wanted to read this book. And it's definitely been helping. Thus, the over confident feeling.

Anyways, something I'm learning is that parenting and raising obedient and pleasant kids doesn't just happen. It takes a lot of work and a lot of research. Kids are a pain and a ton of work. But when you put in the hard work to discipline them and make them obey you, it really pays off, and they have been so enjoyable this week. Not a pain. Fun to be around kids. Yes.

That being said, this weekend kicked my butt. Troubles got the better of me. Even though we just stayed in town, it seemed to be busy. Lincoln had been slightly sick with a cold, I think. And man tonight, the crying, it just kept coming. Doesn't it just seem like that? When a kid gets on a roll everything just keeps going bad. Crying about the water being too cold, crying because he needs a kleenex, crying because he dropped his cup on his face, crying because he didn't kiss Asa goodnight, crying as he stubbed his toe on his way into bed. I'm not making those things up. All those things literally happened between 7:15 and 7:37 tonight.

In other news. There's been some more complications/side effects in my brother Joel's recovery. I don't know a lot of the details but he called my parents on Friday and within an hour they were driving down to Kansas. We knew this process was going to be long and slow and that we should expect bumps. But it's been going so well for awhile, this just kind of took me by surprise. And honestly it's really bumped my emotional instability up a notch. You just can't really be the same person when you've got something heavy on your mind.

Anyways, that's life. Good, bad, ugly, it's all part. God still has everything under control and knows what we're going to face tomorrow.

Oh yeah, one more thing. We're 30 weeks. The big 3-0. That means I have only like 10+ more weeks of this pregnancy. And coincidentally, if you like random trivia, I was 30 weeks pregnant to the day with Asa when our basement flooded. Fortunately, we escaped yesterday with no house disasters of any kind. So how's that for leaving you on a positive note?


This photo, needs it's own post. My beautiful new hutch and table. I'll explain more later,

No one ever plays with our tool bench. So I took it apart, got busy, and left it in pieces on the floor. It's been their favorite toy ever since. 

This is Lincoln's robot. I'm so proud of how creative he is.

Ginger bread house. All Lincoln's idea.

We try to do something special together while Asa naps.

These suckers are not as easy as they look!

He took some convincing that it falling apart was actually ok because then we got to eat it.
Nice save mom.
Christmas program line up.

Not the best photo, but it's what I've got for now. Lincoln was the youngest kid up there. Go Lincs!

Another day, more fun.

Our family.
