Christmas Time

There are so many ways to show your spouse you love them. But putting Asa down for his nap, grabbing the grocery list and Lincoln, and telling you to nap as he heads out the door has got to be one of the best. I love living with this man.

We had a wonderful Christmas week with all of our family. So good that I didn't really even miss my home. But now that I'm back, it is so good to be here. Back to reality. Where my clothes aren't going to magically be folded (thanks mom) and where there's not 5 people in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner (there's only me. Wah wah wah). However, I'm excited to have this week with my little family. Micah has a break till the end of the year with his classes and it is amazing. I am so looking forward to just having him around! (with a to-do list of course). 

One of the things on his to-do list is to anchor some shelves to the wall in one of the upstairs bedrooms. I'm finally done painting up there and am turning it into a playroom (and eventually Lincoln's bedroom). That will hopefully decongest some of the toy clutter we have going on in the rest of the house right now. I feel like we all did fairly well at keeping things small this Christmas, so I'm happy about that. But we still have quite a few toys and play things that need to find new homes in that room. I really try not to be a freak about this but it really drives me nuts when toys just seem to roam from room to room, floor to floor. We play with theses toys in this room, they don't need to be in the dining room or that room, or that room! Oh toy managment, where was that class in college?

I've been telling Lincoln this whole pregnancy that our sister will come "after Christmas" well, now it's after Christmas and we still have two months to go. Time, months, and weeks are a hard concept to help a four year old understand. I have a mental list of things I'd like to do/get done before our new baby comes, we'll see how that goes. 

Seeing my boys back home running around and playing makes me soooo thankful they're not sick anymore. I'm glad we got that sickness over with before Christmas. 

I grew up spending Christmas with my siblings and parents and no one else. One Christmas day with just my family. How many "Christmas's" did my boys have this year? Four. Four. Yikes what a difference. I am thankful they have so many people that love them and that want us around. When we opened our presents from us to the boys before we left for our parents Asa barely understood the concept. But after opening presents four days in a row, they were going around and helping open everyone's presents with them. Again, I'm thankful for family who buy them conservative presents, make them things, and regift old toys to us because we do not need more stuff. I'll be honest though, I did preeettty good this year (and I feel ever so slightly guilty about it). Maybe with a slower week I'll have time to show you some of my new treasures because I love them.

Dad's job: official toy opener.
Micah picked out Lincoln's present this year. Nerf guns. He loved them. And when I say "he" I mean Micah.

Finally some help cleaning around here. Asa and his new vacuum from us.

We had to take this photo for the record book.

Christmas #2

Gift exchange with the "cousins"

The youngest boys

Presents with my family

Puzzle with Uncle Keith

You can't really tell by the plate, but you can tell by the face. This boy had donuts for breakfast. 
