Mid Month Update

Alright, November check in.

Boy this month has been busier than I had anticipated. I don't even know where to begin. Has it really been 22 days already?

Work has been a rollercoaster. Asa's naps have been inconsistent to say the least (and you know that stresses me out). Micah had parent teacher conferences last week which put him at school from 6:30 am to 8:30 pm several nights. Looking back at this month so far I just say "whew". I've worked more than I thought I could. Some days working in the morning plus working 8 pm to 1 am the same night. We also had some computer problems this week that left me feeling so unbelievably helpless. Where I'm just like "God, don't you understand? My boys are at daycare, I've got a deadline, this is the only time today I can work on this, I have got to get this done!" But he's just like "nope" as I just sit there in front of my computer, and try to connect to the network for the millionth time. Does everything happen for a reason? Does my stupid computer not working have a purpose? I really don't know.

This month has been crazy and busy but through it all it has left me feeling thankful. I really think God must be working on me through all this because (not trying to brag, I can have a breakdown with the best of them!) through all this busyness I still have peace and I have still been able to find things to be thankful for. And that's not me. I love to complain. I am sooo good at it. So me, staying slightly cool through all of this, that's got to be a God thing.

I am so looking forward to this short week and time with family and food. I haven't even thought about it really until now. Last week in my office meeting everyone kept saying where they'd be traveling too this week and they're like "Kristina you going anywhere next week?" and I'm like "no, I just want to get this magazine done!" And thought, what's with these people? What kind of a question was that? It dawned on me later that they were talking about Thanksgiving. Duh.

Got to see this little babe again. I had to drive to Duluth for a special ultrasound to check if she had any heart issues like Asa. She checked out all clear! And btw this photo just cracks me up. I know all ultrasound photos look the same but her foot is in her face people! 

Dr's visit bathroom selfie.

I don't know what this photo is doing here but that face. What a guy. 

We hired someone to rake our leaves this year. Best decision ever.

And here's us, in case you forgot. 


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