Week One

Hiya. Last week was week one. Our first week with Micah back at school and boy was it a roller coaster week. Several days where I was thinking "I got this. I can do this. Look at me go!" Laundry, dishes, working, putting the boys down for naps, things going just the way I planned them. And then there were other days where the boys didn't nap, I didn't get any work done, and down right terrible things happened.

So many random snippets of news. Last week we celebrated Lincoln's birthday. We had two of his friends over for a cute little get together. And it just so happened that during that get together a nice retired couple showed up to buy our Forester. So we sold our car and had a birthday party at the same time. I felt like such an adult.

Selling our car was such a surprise answer to prayer. It's the kind of thing where we really haven't been praying about it that much but when we pray every night for wisdom and for God to help us make good decisions. Then when one comes your way and it just feels right, we went for it. And trust that God is helping us to do the best thing for our family. It's a little ridiculous how sometimes we have such an easy time making big decisions. Where I know for a fact last month we spent at least 30 agonizing minutes trying to figure out if buying a large pizza or two medium pizzas were the better deal. And eventually figured out what the cost per square inch of each pizza was. Turns out it's basically a wash.

After spending way too much time on craigslist looking for minivans we found one. Rereading that sentence it sounds so easy. But it really was stressful. So many choices, so many options and how much do we want to spend? After talking to a couple other moms this week I was really starting to lean towards spending less. What I really wanted was something older (because they cost less), lowish miles, but that was really clean, reliable, and in great shape. That's not to much to ask. Well I really think/hope that's just what we got. So far we are so happy with it. And we are loving the minivan life. It's like it was made for kids. The boys can walk all around in there, there's spots for everything and room! I love it!

Also I should note we were able to buy it for quite a bit less than what we sold our Forester for. It kinda leaves me feeling like "ok, what disaster is coming up where we will need this extra money?"

Anyways, this verse encouraged me this week: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you many abound in hope. Romans 15:13.

Here's a barrage of phone pics.

When Bampa comes to visit.

We've really been trying to stress dry pull ups at night. When he has one, he gets "Marshmallows!" for breakfast.

First day of big kid sunday school. We've got things to work on. Like standing in line. That's a new concept. 

I'm telling you, this boy loves his showers.

Did I mention our van has one of these? You should have seen Lincoln's face.

Ta da.

Vanna White.

Sleepy baby.

Those heavy eyelashes are hard to keep open.


Best part of the day. When Dad comes home from work. Lincoln pretty accurately expresses how I feel too.


Bday party.

Birthday shopping trip with Gramma.

Pretty sure I let them watch too much tv.
