
We had our first weekend (it was actually only one night and barely 24 total hours, but weekend sounds much cooler) away from the boys. It was wonderful. It felt like a honeymoon. Now, I’m not sure if that means that our actual honeymoon sucked or that we were just really desperate to get away. Either way it was glorious. We packed up our new minivan, blasted some Sam Smith (his deluxe album, it’s amazing) and headed for the hills of Duluth. We went to watch Micah’s family compete (I say compete because they are for real serious about this) in the Northshore Inline rollerblading Marathon. While we were there I found myself spotting moms and parents everywhere. Sympathizing with them in my head, wishing they could sense my understanding, but I’m sure they couldn’t. For all they knew I was some lucky women who had no idea what it was like trying to find warm water in a mall to mix a bottle with for my crying baby. But I do know what it’s like. I have nursed a baby in a disgusting bathroom stall or tried taking my baby out to a nice restaurant and it ending in disaster. I wish there was a way to tell someone “I know, I’ve been there. It’ll be ok and you’re doing a great job”. But I can’t imagine the looks I’d get if I actually told someone that. Especially when even the people in the race were giving me funny looks when I cheered for them. Encouragement is a funny thing or maybe I’m just weird.

I’m not saying that going places and doing things with kids is terrible by any means. Just that sometimes, I struggled. And actually I kept thinking “oh Lincoln would love that, oh I’d love to show the boys this.” Kids are like little people that you get to share your life with and that’s pretty cool. The other day Micah was like “you know what the great thing about having kids is? You get to introduce them to all this cool stuff. Like Star Wars and Legos. And then another kid comes around and you get to do it all again.”

I also got a hair cut a couple weeks ago. Pretty much no one noticed, but that’s ok. It’s not like I keep track of that sort of thing… Anyways, I’ve been affectionately calling it the “hot guy” hair cut. Think this guy from Sex and the City. 

But who knew this guy was on to something, it is totally easy to take care of. And since we’re talking about hygiene here, you should know, I’ve adopted my Grandpa’s rule. The “take a shower once a week whether you need it or not!” rule. Ok fine, I’ve actually showered twice this week but still, it hasn’t been the priority around here.

Just keeping it real.

Is it bad that we get away and I only take a picture of my food?

We were probably too busy making out to take photos... (awkward). But seriously, the food!

Congrats, you made it to the end of this post. Here's an embarrassing photo as your reward.
