Last week I struggled with thoughts like this “You’re a
terrible mother. You don’t know what you’re doing. Why can’t you keep your
house clean?”
It’s funny,
whenever I find myself having those thoughts I have to think about the source.
Why I am really feeling like that? What else is going on in my life? Well turns
out the answer is Asa. The last week and a half we have completely revamped our
routine. With Lincoln turning four he has started Preschool two days a week,
Awana Cubbies on Wednesday nights, and one morning of day care. We’ve also
dropped Lincolns naps and have been putting him to bed an hour earlier, which
has been a win-win-win all around. Anyways, Asa my little friend has not been
adjusting so well. I have been trying to get him down to one nap a day instead
of a morning and afternoon nap. This will just work out better because we have to
drop off/pick up Lincoln, ect. Well my little Asa loves his routine and does
soo well on his schedule. And trying to get him adjusted to this has made him a
little terror, which is totally uncharacteristic for him. Unfortunately this
has my life terrible. I spend most of my morning entertaining a grumpy boy just
to keep him up to go down in the afternoon and then.. he sleeps for an hour. Are
you kidding me?! Ugh soo frustrating. I have basically got nothing done. And
before you know it the place is a mess, nobody has had dinner, everybody’s
crying and I’m sitting there thinking “I’m a terrible mother”.
I’ve started telling myself “I am not defined by how long my
baby naps”. I know that sounds ridiculous but that one thing seriously affects
our entire day. It’s all consuming, I get no work work done, I get no house
work done, my life is in ruins, all because of a nap!
Anyways, this story has a good ending (so far). Since the
second half of last week we have seemed to fall into our routine. I got some great
advice about helping Asa transition to one nap from a moms group on facebook.
And through a few trial and error disastrous days we’ve discovered that if we
get him down between 12:15-12:30ish he’ll sleep till 3. Three hours. Almost
three heavenly hours. Suddenly things are falling back into place. Suddenly
dishes can be done, a few work projects can be done, I can think about what to
cook for dinner before 4:30. And the funny thing is, those bad thoughts go
away. And I’m thinking “yeah, I can do this. I feel good about myself. I’m
getting stuff done. I am ok”.
So, my take away lesson from all this is, if you’re having
bad/negative thoughts about the situation you’re in, think about why you’re
having them. Maybe you’re really not a terrible mother; you’re just going
through a crazy nap transition.
Lincoln already has a mound of artwork from preschool. What do I do with it all? |
Keeping an eye on that boy while I wash the dishes. |
Blueberry and Pinecone soup. |
The chief. |
"Mom, I worked really hard to make this." |
Yum. |
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