Just Say No

Today was a recovery day. In so many ways. We have had quite the week.

Tuesday: We drove to Duluth and back for Asa's heart check up. 
Wednesday: I drove to Minneapolis to visit my brother Joel.
Thursday: I drove back home.
Friday: We drove to Bayfield, WI.
Saturday: We drove back home. 

It's been busy and fun. And the boys have handled it as good as I could as I could have hoped. This week I really planned for worst case scenario. I was expecting disaster. Asa missed his morning nap three days this week. He is such a good sleeper. If he's in his crib at 10:30 am he will grab his little blankie and go right to sleep. But if he's not there, he's not sleepin. 

It's hard not to beat yourself up about things you're not getting done or doing. I've wanted to post more, I wanted to write a post about being married for six years. I wanted to think and reflect about all the things we've learned. But that's not where I am right now. And I do not have time for that. And that's ok. 

It's also hard not to feel guilty about not being a better mom/wife. I feel guilty that Micah washed the dishes on Father's Day. I feel guilty that I was gone too much. That the house is a mess. That I have work to do. That I'm doing my work. That I don't play with the boys enough. That I'm tired. Ect, ect, ect. It never ends. But I can't live that way. Or at least I shouldn't. Sometimes you just have to say no to things. So needless to say, the boys and I skipped church today so Asa could get his morning nap.

This post isn't just how I want it to be by any means. There's more I want to say and more details to record and remember. But sometimes you have to say no, sometimes good enough is good enough.

Life isn't perfect. There isn't always time to put makeup on. Aren't my run-on sentences driving you nuts?!
