Where We Live

I'm sure there's some foolish person that looks at my house and wishes they lived here. But here I am looking through the homes for sale and wishing things were different. How silly of me.

I complain that the layout isn't great and I wish things were more "all on one level", so many stairs. It really hit me when I had some friends over last month and showed them upstairs and she said "so you're not even using these rooms?" And it just hit me, I really need to use the space I have better. Wishing I had more room on the first floor of my house isn't doing me any good. I've got two small but usable rooms up there, we should use them for more than just storage. I read on some minimalist blog that we should use our homes for more that just a storage units. Isn't that the truth.

So anyways, we've completely rearranged our living room and have been selling the things we don't use. Keeping things "just in case" isn't always the best when it's cluttering up your life. We're planning on painting one of the rooms upstairs and making it a place where either Micah can study or the boys can play. (Micah's starting a Masters degree this summer, had I mentioned that?)

Also, some free advice if you planning your wedding registry anytime soon. You don't need twelve of everything. We currently have enough cups, hand towels and wash clothes for our five children, each of their spouses, and our fifteen grandchildren. Nobody needs all that in their twenties! -What were we thinking? (or as Micah likes to remind me, what was I thinking?)

But I really have been enjoying my home lately. I really like our new living room set up and we are working on making the upstairs more functional and that's exciting. My decorating basically consists of rearranging and relocating the things that I have, with the exception of a new lamp and screen door. Happy Mothers day to me!

I'm thankful for a husband who puts up with my dreams of more and endless rearranging. "whatever make you happy" he says. -I can't argue with that.

Anyways, this was supposed to be a Mothers Day post. Mother's Day was good. So much better than last year. I wasn't in a good place last year. Let's not go over that again, but it's just good to know that when things in your life are more in balance, everything looks better. Who knows, maybe some of it was some post partum depression after Asa was born. I didn't think it was at the time, but it could have played a part.

Here's our traditional Mother's Day photo on the steps photos. No rock throwing this year. (See lasts years post).
My boys.
And obviously next on the to do list -fixing those steps, yuck!

Flowers from Lincoln

He came into the house all on his own like this. It was adorable.
