Year in Review

Hey little Asa James, you're a year old today. You are such a sweet little boy I can hardly stand it.

You've got a baby book that I've got to get to work on. But writing all this down will make me feel a little bit better about myself. Because if this house burns down, that book will be gone, and you'll be thanking me for this blog post. My goal was to get a collection of your baby photos printed and into the photo album before you turned one. So that needs to happen in the next month if I can.. or else.

So here's a little summary of what you've been up to this year.

Where have you been:
Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Florida. That's quite a bit of traveling for such a short life. You must have a brave mamma to take to around. You've also been to a MN Vikings preseason game, the Mall of America, Noah's Ark Wisconsin Dells and the Atlantic Ocean. You almost made it to Sea World but didn't, thanks to your big brother.

What you say:
Not much. Every great once in awhile you let out some squeaks and squeals but rarely. You're pretty content to let Lincoln do all the talking. Although you can say "mama" clear as a bell when you really need something. And this week you're finally starting to say "dada" more and can sometimes say "ball". But again, you're the silent, thoughtful type.

How big are you: 
I have no idea. Too big for a baby carrier, my back can tell ya that. We have your one year checkup next week. From what I can tell I think you've got eight teeth. You are still rear facing in your infant carseat though. Which I'm pretty proud of us for. We broke down and switched Lincoln way earlier, he was a big kid. You also fit just nicely into twelve months clothes.

You Like to Play:
Peak a boo and hide and seek. You love it when Lincoln chases you. You are the best scootcher around. Last sunday you scootched all around the gym during coffee time. Smiling at all the old people, you were quite the hit. However, because of this you have yet to crawl or walk. Also, you love it when we sing to you. Especially when we put your name into the songs. "We all love our baby Asa James" to the tune of the Yellow Submarine, "Heeeeeeeeey Asa Baby!" to the tune of Gangnam Style and "I'm Asa and I know it!" to the tune of "Sexy and I know it" are your favs. I should have been a songwriter, I know.

Things You Hate:
Getting your face washed or cleaned, opening your mouth, and currently you're deathly afraid of swings. Your little arms tense, you hold your breath and your little body freezes. It's ridiculous. 

What you like to eat:
I'm making you your favorite food today... hotdogs. Oh you love them. Lately when I make them, I make three. One for me, one for Lincs, and one for you. Yes, you've been eating as much as your big brother lately. And stealing his food too. You do not like it when we're eating something that you can't have. That's when you do start squawking. So because of that, you've pretty much given up all baby food and just have whatever we're having.
You do still like milk. I can not believe I'm still nursing you. You are such a picky nurser I never would have guessed we'd make it this long. But you've refused to take a bottle this whole year. So that means that we've never spent more than like four hours apart (not counting nights, thank the Lord you sleep at night). Because Lincoln and I got really sick when he was five months old and needed medicine that caused us to give up nursing, I'm in uncharted territory. I have no idea what I'm doing from here on out. Hopefully you'll want to stop nursing sooner or later. I went to a Le Leche League meeting on weaning a couple weeks ago but it was more like a meeting on not weaning.. I am all in favor of doing whatever you think is best for your kid.. but oh man, they were at another level. One that I am not on. I feel no magical/spiritual/mystical connection with nursing. I'm happy to have done it, but Asa whenever you're ready let's move on.

What we call you:
You got quite a lot of nicknames for someone with a short name to begin with. Some of them are: Stinko, Stink Bug, Stinko James, Asa Baby, Asa James, Asanator, Asadilla, Little Scootcher.. Yeah, that's about it.

Anyways, you sure have been fun to have around this past year. Thanks for coming into our family.

What happened to you baby boy? You used to love swinging.

Lincolns loved you since he first met you.

Happy Birthday Asa my love. 
