Life Lately

Change is in the wind. I don't know what it is but I can just feel it. And that's exciting... I think

Our daycare for the boys hasn't been working out lately. And surprisingly, I don't really mind. Today we were scheduled to bring them, and I was a little sad about it. But one of her boys got sick at the last minute and we had to cancel again. At first I was disappointed (changes of plans always throws me off a bit, plus bummed about the work I won't get done) but I'm ok with it. I have really been enjoying my boys lately. I have really been enjoying our little routine. And I love being able to put Asa down for his naps in his own bed, and know how much he eats, how much he sleeps.

So our schedule has been looking something like this:

6:00 Nurse Asa, back to bed, or work if needed
7:30-8:30 Boys wake up
8:30 Breakfast, get ready for the day
9-10:30 Boys play, chores, or get out of the house
10:30 Asa naps, play with Lincoln, or work if needed
Noon Asa wakes up, nurse
12:30 Lunch
1-3:00 Play or get out of the house
2:45 Asa down for nap
3:00 Lincoln down for nap
3:15-5:00 Work
4:30 Asa wakes up, nurse, Micah home
5:00 Lincoln wakes up, start dinner
6:00 Dinner
6:45 Family play time or work if needed
8:30 Nurse Asa, put to bed
9:00 Lincoln to bed
9:15 Best part of the day
10:30 Us to bed

Keep in mind things don't always go as planned. But this is the general idea most days.

After breakfast I try to tackle some chores. Which this week has mainly been clean up breakfast (Lincoln brings his bowl and spoon to the kitchen and wipes up his mess), clean up Asa's tray and highchair, empty the dishwasher, load the dishwasher, and sweep the kitchen and dining room floors. Lately Asa has been making such a mess each meal that I need to sweep everyday. And if I don't, he will (by scooching over and eating day old peas).

When Asa naps each morning I try to do something special with just Lincoln. Playdoe, painting, playing with the small legos, or just doing whatever. Oh BUT the most important thing we've got going on is at 10:30ish, I turn on a show, get Lincoln apple juice and a small snack, prep him with instructions about what I'm about to do.. and then I put Asa down for his morning nap and... take a shower! It's been working great this week. After I have 10 minutes to myself I feel glorious (almost) and then I'm ready to take on some play time with Lincs.

Also, sometimes Lincoln won't actually fall asleep for his nap. In which case I make him lay in his bed for 45 min to an hour before he can get up. Or like today, he's really just being so pleasant and I don't have a ton work to do, we can skip a nap altogether (plus he took a long one yesterday).

Anyways, that's how we're making life work these days. I can't help but feel so encouraged after our trip (which I hope to write a little more about later).

"Mom I just need to alax for a minute"

work work work

This boy

I can't believe he sat here and watched When Calls the Heart with Me... lol


  1. When Calls the Heart!!! You're bringing that boy up RIGHT! I was going to ask if you'd watched it yet. We need another movie night soon! Did you get through all of them?


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