Why do I always have to title these things...

We've been pretty busy lately. Lots of things I want to write about and share, but no time.

I've been working like crazy trying to get my magazine done before our trip (it's not going to happen). Also, Micahs family recorded a cd and I've been scrambling to get the packaging done on that as well before we leave. Plus on top of that our dear babysitter's kids have been sick, so not only do I have more work to do, I have less time to do it in. Not a good combination. But like usual, we're making it work somehow. Which means I had to work through last weekend and the evenings this week. Dinners have been frozen pizza, taco bell and leftovers.

It's been a little hard telling Lincoln that I have to work so much when he asks me to play, but that's what we've got to do sometimes. Ha.. also, speaking of Lincoln, wow has he ever been.. changing lately.

Attitude, attitude.. and whining. Oh that has got to stop. We've really been cracking down on him. Stopping him every time he talks back. Yesterday was one of his worst performance. Looking right at me, yelling "NO!" stomping his foot, clenching his fists, flailing his arms, swinging and kicking. All with a horrible little mean look on his face. It was terrible. Serious trouble, was what he was in.

It was so sad. He has basically never done that before. But I know he is just a little sinner (like all of us), and this is going to happen. It's been a little rough but I know we've got to deal with it now, before it gets worse. It's a learning experience for all of us. Up until this point it's only been about keeping kids alive, now we actually have to... parent. Yikes!

Look at that figure.

When these boys play together... oh my heart.

Oh yeah, I made a roast last week. So had to include that. If you're not taking pictures of your food you're missin out! ; )

Me, in action. 

Lincoln at play.
A side note about Lincoln playing. He has really taken that to a new level. Whatever the above photo looks like he's doing, he's probably not. He's turned everything into a kitchen. He's making french fries in his parking garage "the microwave" and cooking hot dogs in his rocketship. His imagination is awesome. 
