The Queen

Seeing my Grandmom is probably the closest I'll ever get to meeting the queen. She’s had quite the reputation in my family for.. speaking her mind. And if you make her mad.. “you’re out of the will”. She's been wearing orange and black nail polish since before it was cool and you'll want to be dressed in your best when you see her.

I actually know quite a bit about her, but I wish I knew more. She’s an only child from a military family. Never had a home town because they were always moving to a different base. Supposedly there’s some story of her stealing General Patton’s helmet and burying it in her backyard in Texas, but who knows if that’s true. When she was young she somehow did something that made her mother so angry she burnt all of her baby photos, I can't imagine. She also changed her name from June to Barbara, went to college to be an interpreter but got married young, had two sons, and lived in a small town she hated for 36 years.

She also went on 35 different cruises all around the world in a span of only seven years. Her life is just fascinating to me. Who people were and who’ve they've become is so intriguing.

Anyways, we never really spent much time with her. Never a Christmas, never a birthday. She really didn't seem to have time for us. I haven’t seen her since before I was engaged so that’s almost 7 years. Honestly, I thought I would never see her again and she would never meet my children. So it was pretty cool to see her. 

She really is a beautiful lady. And it’s just interesting to think of the things she has been through that made her into who she is today. And makes me understand a little bit more about myself and who I might be.

Don't our mouths look so similar? Random, I know. But that's what I first thought when I saw this picture.

This is the photo I'll show these boys when they're older and ask about their Grandmom.

This photo will be great... cropped.

Oh we love this weather. And my new shirt from tj maxx.

How we roll.
