
Well, we're struggling again.

It seems like every couple of months we go through this cycle. Every couple of months we hit a rough patch. My boys are usually good sleepers but this week has been disaster. Last week it was Lincoln and then both of them. Over the weekend we got Lincoln finally taken care of and mostly back to normal. And now Asa is taking his turn. He's had a fever the last two nights and is waking up every 20-45 minutes. So once you've gotten him settled down, crawl back into bed, your body finally starts to relax and fall asleep, and he's crying again. It's almost not worth the energy to try to fall asleep.

The last two nights we've gotten like... 3 hours of sleep a night. Maybe? Probably closer to 2, 2.5. It's amazing how you can get used to not sleeping. And then last night we decided to take shifts with him. And I feel like my body is just on edge, just waiting to hear him crying or have to go help someone, that it was almost pointless for me not to be holding him, because I couldn't sleep. So it's no surprise that I got up, after night two of no sleep, with a terrible cold. We're all fighting off something, I'm not sure what.. but these boys are little balls of emotions. Which is usually their way of saying, they're not feeling good.

One thing that I feel like I rarely take for granted is health. Agh when I'm not healthy.. life is miserable. So anyways, I'm praying that this will only last a few days. Surely we'll get some sleep sometime. I am thankful for Frozen however. Putting that on this morning and napping on the couch while Lincoln watched that was a lifesaver. And leading up to this we've had several huge blessings come our way. So I know I should be extremely thankful, and I am. But I can't breathe.

When you're sick, you need to be carried. All the time. That is a rule.

Yeah, I made this box castle.. pretty proud of myself.

Annie's Easy Chicken Pot Pie - is amazing. I'd give you the recipe if I wasn't sleep deprived. 

Slow dancing in the kitchen with this little man.

I love this boy. I love this boy. - I just keep telling myself this.. all through the night.
