
So I've turned into a crazy blogging lady. Ok, not really, please. I just sort of became obsessed about how this thing looks (see the homepage). I took several classes on web design in college but I spent more time creeping through your facebook photos then learning anything. So I'm pretty proud of myself here. And I am not afraid of code. Code you do not scare me!

It feels good to have accomplished something that I didn't think I could do. Even if it's something small. Challenging myself with this blog has been a great distraction. And it was good to do it for myself. Often times with my work I just find myself people pleasing left and right. If designer equaled mind reader my life would be so much easier.

So anyways, it was fulfilling to work hard on something with no one telling me what to do. Quite freeing, actually.

A task that I have been ignoring for, I'm sorry to say, months now, is this pile of clothes in the corner of my stairs.

Somehow I've been able to have guests and family over and this pile has been invisible to me. (Seeing messes is a choice people!) One of the secret chores of having babies is changing out their clothes every couple months. Who has time for that. I don't, so they've been piling in this corner. But today was the day and that pile is now sorted, folded and put away in the 6-9 month clothes bin. 

Also on my to-do list is to make this wall area look pretty. It's in the works right now.

Man this kid was mean muggin
The fort

Tuesday night

Look at that stance
