A Tour

It was a year ago last weekend that we had our basement disaster. Whew.

As I'm trying to go back and look through photos I'm finding that I didn't take many. Apparently it wasn't the best time for me. It was a pretty helpless time. But it's true.. that when you're at your weakest is when you need God the most. I wish I would have been better at keeping track of all the little blessings we got to get us by. Because there really were so many.

The boy's room.

Going through all that mess was just so exhausting. The clutter, the dust, the unknown. But here we are on the other side and my basement is as beautiful as it could be (pretty much). Going into buying this house that was the main thing I wanted to fix. Our ugly basement, mismatched carpets, yucky ceiling, weird light fixtures. All things that we had no money to ever fix. Realistically we would never have been able to afford to redo all of that. 

It's so easy now to see it all as such a huge blessing. So lucky even. But going through it was hard. Almost 4 months of no bedroom, my office on my dinning room table, all while being at the end of my pregnancy, and ever so slightly emotionally unstable. Let's just say, I'm happy to be where I am now. 2015 has been going much easier than last year started out. 

I've been wanting to post some photos of our new basement and figured now is as good of a time as any...

My little office space.

And now from this angle.. it's a family room.

Laundry room area.

New bathroom. Nope did not clean before I took this photo.

We added pocket doors into the bathroom and our bedroom. Saves a ton of space.

And there's my closet. I used to have none. So I love it.

Why yes, I did hem those curtains myself. (with a little help, thanks Heather ;) 

The boys room isn't really anything fabulous, but here it is. 

Thanks for following me around baby boy.
