
Things I'm thankful for:

Our attached garage: Its small and slightly falling apart. But it works and I really love having it.

Counter space in my bathroom: Again, it's very small. But I used to have none. So I like it.

Coke: I love it. I'm not even going to try to deny it. I drink one every day. And every once in awhile I forget to have one. And those are sad days.

A break in the weather: This weekend all our snow disappeared and it was 40 degrees. No, I still haven't seen the sun yet, but we could actually go outside. I pulled my bike out of the garage and Lincoln and I took a bike trip down to the grocery store for some groceries. It was breezy, foggy, and glorious.

Things I'm Learning:

Being supermom isn't about doing everything. It's knowing when to do everything.

For example: If I'm on day three of being home alone with the boys and I'm in the mood for my homemade soup.. maybe that's not the best time to tackle that. Maybe that's the time to take the kids through the drive through and spend my time tidying up the house and keeping my sanity. Hastag: learned that lesson the hard way.

Still trying to figure this mom thing out. But we're making it.

Lincoln is a true artist. He's dark.. and brooding....

These clowns in matching shirts from Auntie Hannah.
