Marriage Notes

Twice a month we go to Mums (moms uplighting moms spiritually) at my church. The boys play in the nursery and a bunch of moms get together, talk and do some sort of bible study or encouraging type of mom thing. It is wonderful. It's the highlight of my week when we have it.

This week was especially good. It's at 9 am, so you'd think we be able to make it there on time. But we are usually always late. Bah. And the beginning is when we get to just hang out and chat so I hate to miss that part. Anyways, we stumbled in 20 minutes late and they were already into the video.

Basically the second I sat down I began scrambling down some notes. Man it was good. And i'm not the note taker type. But this stuff was worth remembering for sure.

This is from Stronger in Marriage by Sauna Niequist, what it means to build stronger marriages in daily, ordinary faithful ways.
  1.  Be a Grower. Take responsibility for your own emotional and spiritual health.
    - (obviously i have no notes under this bullet point.. because we walked in late.)

  2.  Invest in your best time and energy.
     - Memory Making: Go out of your way to share interests. Die to yourself.
    - Weekly or monthly date nights.
    - Ask Scary Questions: When did you feel happy today? What made you upset today? What was the most difficult part of your day? In what ways have I let you down? What is the most meaningful way I could love you?

  3. Ask for help -professional or otherwise; counseling or community.
    - Every marriage needs support.
    - No marriage grows in a vacuum.

    - Don't let pride get in your way of getting well.
    - Find a couple who has a good marriage and talk to them.

    - Silence and distance will kill your marriage.

  4. Protect your marriage - with healthy boundaries
    - When you're listening to each other there is no room for anyone else.
    - Surround yourself with people who want your marriage to win.
    - Avoid interaction with anyone who threatens your marriage.
    - Mark 10:9

  5. Become expert forgivers.
    - God can make your marriage new but only if you let him.
    - If you can't be a forgiver than you can't be in a relationship.
    - Matthew 18:33

  6. Remember that you are God's hands and feet.
    - Act out God's love in practical ways.
    - I have the honor of effecting my spouse more than anyone else.
    - Reflect God's love to your spouse.

  7. Love your neighbor as yourself.
    -Your husband is your number one neighbor. 
A marriage made in heave is one where a man and a women become more richly themselves together than either of them could have become alone.

-Isn't that just beautiful?

I printed this wedding photo the other week. When I picked it up at Target the lady told me congratulations. I said thanks. (it's been five years ; )
