It's a New Dawn

This is the little guy that starts it all. 

Here he is waking up for the first time in his crib. 

My boys are sharing a room.

Oh it has been wonderful. I really can't believe how smoothly this transition is going. This week I randomly tried to get the boys to take their afternoon naps in the same room. And it worked. We did this for the next three days and then finally, it was time for a night run. Thursday night. We of course prepped Lincoln. Giving him lots of instructions. No more screaming out "I gotta go potty!" instead if he needs to go, he'll to knock quietly on the wall and if Asa starts crying then he needs to just go back to sleep because "sometimes Asa just needs to cry a little bit before he falls asleep". 

So we woke up on Friday morning and it was great. I was so proud of them. Plus it was the first morning this week that we didn't have to run off somewhere. So we were all happy. 

And that's good. I can tell that it's just so nice to be able to hang out at home. For Asa to take his nap at home. I love home. And that's something I've been realizing. Home is where I am now. The other day there were some missionaries at church with a sign up sheet at their table... newsletter, giving, trips.. You could check a box. I saw trips and thought hmm.. I'd love to go to Russia or India... to help. But then something in my head said nope, don't sign that. You can't go anywhere. And it's true. My boys are where I need to be right now. Put your dreams away for another day... I just need to keep reminding myself to enjoy this moment. Be here. Now. And it's been helping. I've been happier. And I'm thankful.

The extra sleep hasn't hurt either. Holy smokes everything is better when you get some sleep. And with a little adjusting we've been getting the boys to nap at the same time in the afternoons. And my goodness do I feel spoiled. Anyways, here's some pics from our weekend. I feel so blessed.

The morning lineup.

I had butter sitting out to make banana bread.
But somehow at the last minute, it turned into these.

He rocks.

This guy is so much fun.

Love them playing together. It's just the cutest. 
