Confessions of a shopaholic

Let me introduce you to these lovely things. I stumbled across them while at Benders picking up some socks. I was by myself, so I might as well walk by the shoes. I'm by myself, so I might as well try them on. Oh my goodness, I have just fallen in love with $150 boots!

I could not get them out of my mind. It was terrible. I didn't by them. I went home and thought and thought about them. Until I convinced myself, my husband, and my mom that I needed them. And I can convince you too. I'm tired of buying cheap/on sale Target boots every year that I don't really like, aren't very comfortable or warm, and then just end up having them ruined when my bedroom floods.

With Monica’s boot episode from Friends clearly in the back of my mind, I decided to buy them. On my way out the door after telling Lincoln where I was headed he says “Oh your other boots not fit you anymore?” Micah looks at him and says “My thoughts exactly, Lincs”. Oh the guilt. But I don’t have gray ones, not like these. And these will match with everything, everything I tell you!

To make myself feel slightly better I took an oath to Micah, to not wear my new boots… until I actually paid for them. It's been two weeks now. I'm pretty proud of myself. And honestly, I don't think Micah thought I had this much self control.

Here’s how I'm making it happen.

1: I had a $25 off coupon. Down to $125

2: We’ve been doing the Dave Ramsey budget for most of this year. It’s been going pretty well. So, per our budget I get $30 of spending money a month, to buy whatever I want. $95

3: I’ve been selling some of my old stuff online and at a second hand store. I decided to donate all funds to my boot fund. So far I’ve raised $50 bucks. $45

Plus as previously mentioned the flood ruined my old boots. So if I turn in my receipt, our insurance will chip in a whooping $26 dollars (I told you I had cheap old boots). $19

So if anyone wants to donate $19 bucks to my very worthy cause (are you reading this mom?), I could wear my new boots to my friends baby shower this weekend. Until then.. This is how beautiful they look:
